Foods I Make Sure To Eat As A Postpartum Mom
Postpartum is hard. What makes me sad, as a mom, is seeing how this entire experience from conception to postpartum just isn’t celebrated more educated about enough. What we’ve been led to believe by society just isn’t true and it’s especially on point with postpartum care for Mom. How are we supposed to take care of our newborn and ourselves when we don’t know what that looks like? I try my hardest to share about how important rest is postpartum. Items that make this time easier for baby and Mom. Also dairy free meals that are easy enough for a spouse or loved one fix to help nourish. Growing and…
Why Encapsulating My Placenta Was A Non Negotiable
When I had my first baby, I had no idea what was in store for me. I also didn’t know about the fourth trimester. This one is all about mommy. Alongside dealing with body issues like postpartum bleeding, cramping, sore and engorged boobs, it’s also a time to worry about maintaining sanity and resting so the body can heal. The next few months are crucial as a new or once again mom because they set the tone for YOU. When I first had Nolan, I had no idea about natural ways to fight post partum depression and remember nights/early mornings up with a crying baby wondering how was I ever…
3 Non-Toxic Diaper Brands I Recommend
Knowing what is in the products that you use for your baby is important. I’ve written a non-toxic shampoo and body care guide that you can view by clicking here that explains all of my suggestions. I have yet to share my top non-toxic wipes brands so here we go… This is an important swap to make when reducing the toxic load of your baby. Why? The amount of times we use baby wipes, where they are used on the baby, and the fact that we don’t wash off the areas that we’ve wiped. All of these reasons are why I think a non-negotiable for your baby should clean wipes.…
How Meal Planning Saves Our Week
Want to know what makes life easier for our family? Meal planning. It’s something that my husband and I commit to every single weekend so we can make sure the upcoming week. We do this to make sure that it has been grocery shopped and we can cook doing the week without having something random missing. This one little habit that we’ve created helps us actually cook more at home and waste less with our grocery bill. With the current state of the world and just having a larger family, staying on track with our groceries is really important to us. To meal plan, my husband and I sit down…
3 Easy Dairy Free Meals To Eat Postpartum
After having six kids, I can tell you with 100% certainty that resting is so important for you to do postpartum. I know this might be out of your comfort zone per say but you will never regret letting your body heal verses overdoing it and causing it damage. Read more about why resting postpartum is important. It’s also extremely important to nourish your deleted body while it’s trying to renourish itself and your newborn. If you’re blessed to have people bring you meals, that’s helping out a lot. So make sure to eat! If you’re depending on a spouse to cook for you, listen up! This is for you.…