Modern Oats for this Modern Mom
This post is sponsored by Modern Oats. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.
Let’s be real moms… when do you get time to eat? Ok, now I want to know, when you do get to eat, is it hot? Or you grabbing something unhealthy because it’s convenient or settling for a cold cup of coffee? With every addition we add in our family, MY time decreases a little more. Let’s not even get into how hectic the holiday season is! Mom life is a constant struggle to remain balanced… semi balanced… a little balanced? Yea any of those, haha! It’s so easy to loose yourself and become completely overwhelmed. I’ve found that it’s most important during all of this to focus on the important things aka the ones that keep you functioning and making a plan to add in a few things that make you happy.
Two things that I know I have to do to function is sleep and food. I cannot survive without either of them… but as human beings and especially mothers, we tend to put these two things last on the list. I have three small children who require 90% of my time and 100% of my energy! Sleep isn’t something that I easily obtain, especially since I quit nursing Scarlet Reese at night BUT I find ways to make up for it. If I need to hire a babysitter to come over or ask Derrek to play with the kids while I sleep for an hour, so be it! You aren’t a super hero, you have to sleep. Naps help make it possible to function until I get back into sleeping a good 8 hours a night. Other than sleeping, the only other thing that I need for energy and life is food! Ummmm, yet another thing that moms forget to do… eat. We are the worlds worst for stopping in the middle of fixing a plate for ourselves and cleaning up a mess that one of the kids have made. Make yourself a priority as well. Don’t forget to eat.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, in my opinion. If I don’t eat breakfast, my blood sugar drops and I am so ill and sluggish. It almost makes me lethargic and the only thing I can do is go lay back in bed. But… remember those three little kids? Yea, I’ve got those little souls to take care of, so I can’t hide in bed all day. For this reason, breakfast how I start my day with the kids. We get out of bed and head to the kitchen to make breakfast. Either I make theirs first and then mine or we end up eating the same things but I always eat with them. This doesn’t mean I haven’t cleaned up 53 messes that have randomly occurred during the time I make breakfast. It just means that I don’t put my nutrition on the back burner. Modern Oats oatmeal has been a lifesaver for my breakfast routine.
When I started breastfeeding Nolan as a newborn, I looked into foods that help boost milk supply. Oats are at the top of the list! So of course, I became an oatmeal junkie. I’ve honestly never looked back. I make oatmeal several times a week and it’s a crowd pleaser for the kids as well. I have come to lean on Modern Oats for a multitude of reasons. I love that they only work with small farm, gluten-free & Non-GMO Verified, perfect whole rolled oats. These are the highest grade from family run operations throughout the upper Midwest of North America. How amazing is that? I love supporting companies who have HIGH standards.
Their ingredients are not only healthy but delicious. Modern Oats takes it to the next level with making “to-go” meals fit for any place. From the workplace, your car or your home, these are perfect for everyday breakfasts. I personally love that I can grab and go with the recyclable cups and not feel overwhelmed at breakfast time. If you’re someone who’s looking for a easy and simple breakfast, it’s time for you to check out Modern Oats!