Fall is the time of year that germs and sicknesses tend to ramp up. WIth everyone back in school, eating more sugar than real Whole Foods and not getting lots of direct time in the sunshine, immune systems are at a new low and are more susceptible to getting a cold. So many people I’ve talked to are dealing with all the things being passed around and especially coughs. I do feel like there is a need for modern medicine if symptoms are VERY bad but for the most part I do believe that most things can be handled at home. Coughs are interesting to treat because how different they…
Non-Toxic Kitchen Swaps: Back to School Edition
One of the biggest ways we can reduce our toxic load is by swapping out items we use on a daily basis. If you’re someone who makes snacks and lunches for your children (or just for yourself), making an effort to focus on healthier ways to store your foods should be on your priority list. When it comes to living a non-toxic lifestyle, one thing I have stressed over the years is to swap what you can, when you can and be happy with what you’re able to do. NOT focusing on what you can’t do or how to do it all it once. That later leads you into a…
3 Non-Toxic Diaper Brands I Recommend
Knowing what is in the products that you use for your baby is important. I’ve written a non-toxic shampoo and body care guide that you can view by clicking here that explains all of my suggestions. I have yet to share my top non-toxic wipes brands so here we go… This is an important swap to make when reducing the toxic load of your baby. Why? The amount of times we use baby wipes, where they are used on the baby, and the fact that we don’t wash off the areas that we’ve wiped. All of these reasons are why I think a non-negotiable for your baby should clean wipes.…
Crunchy Mom Baby Registry
When you’re pregnant, it’s a bit overwhelming to make a baby registry, especially with all the ever-changing options out there. I’ve had five babies and now that I’m pregnant with our sixth, I knew exactly what I wanted for this sweet little soul in my belly. This is going to be short and sweet because baby registries should all be both of those. I’ve learned that with babies come lots of “things” and less is more. You really do not need all the things you think you do. They just take up lots of space, remain unused and you could have spent that money on things you’ll actually use like diapers. All…
The Best Non-Toxic Toys for Small Kids
This post is in partner with Lovevery. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. With five (soon to be six!) kids, I’ve seen my fair share of kid’s toys and I’ve also learned that with toys, less is more! When kids have an abundance of toys, they tend to collect in areas and not get played with, but when there are just one or two in sight, the kids will actually play with them. When my kids play with toys, I want the intention behind them to help develop their sensory, motor and cognitive skills. Honestly, I’ve stopped buying a lot of…