What Do I Do For A Living? The Answer To My Top Asked Question!

A question I am often asked is “what do you do for a living?” This is a multifaceted answer and requires a little explanation on my part.
I am a mom of five (soon to be six!) who wanted the ability to stay home with her kids but also needed to financially have it make sense to do so. I am thankful to have both. I didn’t always have both though. In fact, I struggled financially for several years before figuring it out. Those were really hard years but they’ve shaped me to have drive and the desire to love what I do for a living.
My job title is hard to describe because I run multiple businesses. I consider myself a mom-preneur in this world and love that I’ve been able to create jobs that really work with my schedule and that I truly enjoy!
In chronological order my job titles are: running a lifestyle and wellness blog (that you’re reading right now!), maintaining multiple social media channels for this blog, a Beautycounter Managing Director (this title is reserved for the top of the company) and dedicating the majority of my business to not only educating on clean beauty but helping women that join as consultants on my team to grow their businesses and last, but not least… owning a social media management company that focuses on helping small business owners grow through their social media platforms. My social media management business is my newest business and it’s really been a huge blessing in the last year. It has grown leaps and bounds, helped many clients, and allowed me to learn as a business owner. I am incredibly proud of what it’s become since January of 2021.
That was a mouth full to tell you all that! And honestly when I try to explain it all, it’s normally a tongue twister but I am so thankful for the businesses that I have. They really do bring joy into my life while helping me maintain my goals of working from home.
Having said all that, I’m sure this leads you to wonder:
“How do you work at home with five kids and make enough money to make it a full time job?”
Pockets of time. Here, there and everywhere. For real. I’m pretty much kidless from 8am-12pm every weekday so that’s when I do the majority of my work. My business hours are non negotiable and I hate changing this time block for anything other than work. I have friends that ask me to do things during these times and I always turn them down.
Other time pockets include:
- when I’m in the car
- when I’m doing my morning routine
- when I’m taking kids to and from school and any sports practices
- during nap time
- while I cook meals
- when the kids are falling asleep
So many places and ways to work this into my schedule and be successful!
One other thing to note is that as my blog and Beautycounter businesses have grown, I just can’t do it all. It’s just not possible. Delegation is a term I lean into!
Now tell me… do you have a work from home job or would you like to? Do you have any tips and tricks for how you make it all work? I would love to chat more!