• Recipes

    Collagen Pumpkin Pie Protein Bites

    I received these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Read my disclaimer page for more information. After becoming a Mom, I’ve been on a constant quest for ENERGY! I don’t know of a mom that is 100% fulfilled in that department. Between children waking up at night, running around after them all day and trying to accomplish housework, cooking meals and working, I am flat out exhausted at the end of the day. I am also realizing that I’m not a high school senior anymore and taking care of my body is my top priority. I cannot take care of my families needs unless mine are met.…

  • Recipes

    Pumpkin Chocolate Baby Booster Protein Cookies

    This blog has been compensated by Baby Booster. I also received these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Fall has arrived and so has the challenge to see how much pumpkin I can eat in the next two months! I am so basic with my love for pumpkin that it’s unreal but I don’t care. I also passed this love down to the kids and they know when the seasons change it’s time for their favorite fall kitchen activity: PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES! In the past, I purchased the store mix (I know, I know… not good for us at all) but this year I decided…

  • Recipes

    Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

    Happpyyyyy Monday ya’ll! I am sure no one has a weekend hangover right? 😉 I hope that your favorite football team won the Super Bowl – if not, better luck next year! Today, I’m sharing a super simple recipe that has become one of my favorites to make! I am craving super spicy foods but not really loving meat during this phase of my pregnancy. I cook it because Derrek and the kids love it but I always end up eating more vegetables and coming up with vegetarian options for myself. Cauliflower has always been one of my favorite vegetables to eat – I can remember my Dad cooking it…

  • Health

    Eco Tan- Organic Sunless Tanning

    I’ve decided that every week, I will share some my favorite green beauty products. My purpose in doing so is to show y’all how important using organic products really is! I don’t do things just to be labeled as a hippie, contrary to what some people might think. Instead, I do it for my health and my family’s health. There are so many toxic chemicals that fill the beauty products that are sold at everyday department stores that can have major harmful effects on us. It is really scary! I highly suggest downloading the SKIN DEEP app and typing in the names of the products that are currently in your…

  • Recipes

    Berry Chocolate Smoothie Raw Jar

    I am pretty consistent with my breakfasts… eggs, avocado toast, fresh juice, oatmeal or smoothies. When I make my smoothies thinner or make fresh juice, I like to use my glass Raw Jars. My Raw Jars are also a favorite of mine for measuring my water intake because on the side there is a liquid measurer. I found this product on Instagram at the beginning of this year, and I’ve been using it every day since. I have two of them, a small jar and a large. I like to use the large jar for my juices and water and the small jar for my smoothies. I’ve shared a smoothie…