• Health

    Why I Make Cold Plunging A Priority

    I started cold plunging last fall and I’ve seen major benefits of doing it consistently. What is cold plunging?Cold plunging, also known as cold therapy and cryotherapy, is essentially using cold temperatures for health benefits. Although you may just now be hearing of this practice, this type of therapy has been used for hundreds of years to decrease pain, improve recovery, and to improve overall health. What are the benefits of cold therapy?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀When you take the plunge into your cold plunge pool, the chilled water instantly numbs the nerves that surround your joints and muscles, causing the release of hormones and endorphins. The release of hormones and endorphins acts as…

  • Fitness,  Health

    How I Support My Digestion and Gut Health

    Let’s face it, digestion and gut health are hot topics right now, and rightfully so.  I’m sure you’ve heard at least one person talking about “gut health” as it is a term that is quickly increasing among the medical and food industry. The “gut” refers to your gastrointestinal (GI) system and more specifically, the term relates to the health of multiple aspects within that system such as the effective digestion and absorption of food, the absence of GI related illnesses, normal intestinal bacteria, and effective immunity. This PubMed article says that, “any impairment of the GI barrier can increase the risk of developing infectious, inflammatory and functional GI diseases, as…

  • Health,  Home

    Why We Wash Our Sheets Weekly

    How often do you wash your sheets? Come on, get real with me. Is it once a month? Every other week? Once a week? Not at all?!?!? Whatever the frequency you’re currently working with, I am going to encourage you to make it a habit to wash your sheets weekly. Why? According to The Sleep Foundation, you should wash your sheets once a week.  “Each and every week, most of us spend approximately 49 to 60+ hours sleeping in our beds. That’s a lot of time to get the rest our bodies need to thrive, but it’s also ample time to build up dirt, sweat, oil, and other gunk on our sheets…

  • Health,  Home

    Why I made a commitment to take CBD daily

    For the last few months, I did an experiment on myself. I tried CBD during my postpartum because I felt like I was drowning. And guess what… it helped me remember that I knew how to swim. Never in a million years would I think that I would be sitting here, writing a love letter about CBD but here I am, a TRUE believer of what it can do for us because I have seen it first hand since my sixth baby was born.  I’ll explain… my husband picked up A LOT of jobs this summer, I am thankful that he was able to do that to help us financially…

  • Health,  Recipes

    Foods I Make Sure To Eat As A Postpartum Mom

    Postpartum is hard. What makes me sad, as a mom, is seeing how this entire experience from conception to postpartum just isn’t celebrated more educated about enough. What we’ve been led to believe by society just isn’t true and it’s especially on point with postpartum care for Mom. How are we supposed to take care of our newborn and ourselves when we don’t know what that looks like? I try my hardest to share about how important rest is postpartum. Items that make this time easier for baby and Mom. Also dairy free meals that are easy enough for a spouse or loved one fix to help nourish. Growing and…