How I Eat Well During my Pregnancy
This post is in partner with Faster Way to Fat Loss. If you click through a link on this post and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.
When I started my journey to living healthier, food was the first place I started. Ten years ago, I was the fast food queen living on it for all my meals and probably more times during the day for “snacks.” One day, I just decided I wanted to change my life and lose the weight I had gained in a small time period. You can read more about my health journey here and some FAQ’s about getting healthy here.
A few months ago, I became pregnant with my 6th child. Just a few short weeks into this pregnancy, the nausea and “morning sickness” aka all day sickness hit HARD. I gave everything to God and asked him for a solution to eating healthy when I didn’t want to cook. Very soon after, I received an email from Faster Way to Fat Loss about a potential collaboration.
I love direct answers from God and I knew this was just that, so I jumped at the the chance and said YES! I joined their January round and was paired with a coach that helps me pair my workouts with nutritional whole foods that keep me and the baby I’m growing well fed and taken care of.
So what is faster way and how does it work? Check out below to see more.
So far, I am really enjoying the ease of having nutritious meals planned for me when I don’t feel well and the visual on the app of what my goal should be coupled with the workouts that I’m doing every day. I love the fact that my coach stays in touch with me and really checks in on how I’m doing every day.
I really do suggest this program if you’re wanting to learn more about how to eat well and not go crazy while learning. I also think it’s a wonderful opportunity for you to explore the ability to lose weight, maintain, or grow muscle depending on what your goals are.
Are you interested in joining me in this program?
Eating healthy and working out has always been a huge part of my lifestyle and I love that this program can give me some variety as well as accountability. Let’s be accountability partners! Join me in this round of Faster Way to Fat Loss by clicking here!