• Health

    Living My Best Life

          sweater (sold out) | bralette | jeans | mules  Many of you know my health story but many of you do not. Many moons ago (when I was in college) I was at my most unhealthy. I was focused on partying.. HARD, pretty much every night. That was my everything and I really dove into that lifestyle. I would spend my days eating fast food, getting ready for a big night out, pregaming in my apartment and smoking cigs and drinking hard liquor until the wee hours of the morning. Then I would hit up the drive through one last time before I went home and passed…

  • Fashion,  Lifestyle

    I’ve Got a Secret!

    TGIF! Woooooo thank goodness. This week has been filled with lots and lots of stuff. I’ll leave it at that. Normally I would fully disclose all aspects of my life but at this point I want to keep it to myself.  I am asking for your thoughts and prayers because those are the most powerful things I could receive. Just know that I am so appreciative for every single one of you and the amazing connections we have formed along this journey. I hope that ya’ll understand the importance of decompressing on the weekends. Work weeks can be so stressful and hectic that your weekends should be your solace. I…

  • Kids

    Sweet Sugar Thanks to Playtex

                Oh man, I cannot believe that my sweet Mercy girl is 14 weeks old now! She is growing by leaps and bounds and everyday she does something new. I am exclusively breastfeeding her but I try really hard to not let her fall asleep while nursing. I don’t want her to become dependent on falling asleep ONLY with me verses if Derrek is home and trying to get her to sleep. For some reason, Nolan and Harper never took a pacifier and I think it’s because I let them fall asleep nursing every single time. Scarlet Reese was the only child other than Mercy…

  • Fashion

    Post Partum Style Ideas

    dress | shoes Another day has come and gone… I can’t believe it’s already August! I feel like I’m going to blink and it will be December! I’m already 3 weeks post partum and I am feeling a little more like myself everyday. Y’all have asked a lot of questions about what I like to wear post partum so I’m sharing as I can. I honestly don’t get out of pjs through out the week because I’m at home 90% of the time. But on the days that I have errands or things to do, I do love putting in the effort to be put together! I am not a…

  • Fashion

    Hey There Mama

    dress | shoes – sold out Vici Dolls | necklaces Happy Wednesday friends! I cannot believe the weekend is almost here, thank GOODNESS. These last few weeks of pregnancy are always really hard for me physically and mentally but I am trucking it through while I can. I’m trying to pack in as much fun stuff as possible for the remainder of my pregnancy. Nolan’s birthday is right around the corner so we have planned a little party for him this weekend. SUPER simple and small, he is just so excited to have a whole day devoted to him! I cannot believe I will have a 6 year old in…