The Shoes that I Wear Every Single Day
I received the following items in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own. You can see more information via my Disclaimer page. Y’all, I can honestly say that choosing to invest in my body is one of the best decisions I ever made for myself. It literally changed my life. I lost weight and I didn’t feel like I was being held captive by my own body anymore. Three babies later and now I am in the best shape of my life. Exercising is more than just a way of getting that summer box it’s about having a little “me time” and focusing on myself. The kids take…
Mornings are Tough but It gets Easier
This post is sponsored by Playtex Baby. All opinions are my own and you can read more information on my disclaimer page. I am not even going to pretend that I am a morning person. I have never been one so; I understand the pain that the kids feel when I wake them up for school. Monday’s are normally the most rough mornings in our house because, over the course of the weekend, our schedules get off track. I am the one that gets Nolan to and from school every day and I’ve found that with a little prep the night before, I can make mornings a little easier. Nolan…
Crunchy Snacking – the quest for a healthy diet
Alright, lets talk about snacking. As stated on my previous health post, when transitioning your lifestyle, it’s important to pick a starting point. If not, it’s quite possible, you will get overwhelmed with trying to change everything at once and quit. If you’re wanting to start with changing up the way you eat, this post is especially for you. I’ll link a few other posts within this one that not only gives you snacking tips but ideas for healthy meals as well. Healthy Breakfast Ideas and Healthy Lunch Ideas Snacking is my favoritteeeeee meal of the day! Seriously, a little treat here and there never hurt anyone, especially when…
Taking Your Health Into Your Own Hands
I often get asked HOW to start transitioning to a healthier lifestyle and my answer is simple. CHOOSE to start and focus on one area to change first. If you decide you want to live healthier and non toxic and think about changing everything at once, it’s going to overwhelm you and chances are, you wont start. You’ll just keep putting it off and putting it off verses just starting somewhere. I chose to clean up my food first. This meant not eating at drive through restaurants, drinking only water and lots of it and keeping away from processed foods. When grocery shopping, I would stick to organic meats and…
Refocusing my Mission
Reflecting on my blogging journey that started two years ago, I realized that I’ve somewhat stepped away from the reason I started. I want to refocus on my mission and share more information with y’all like I did in the beginning. I started a blog because I wanted to have an acessable platform for my friends and family to look at that answered all of the questions that I am asked on a daily basis. I transitioned to a non toxic lifestyle and the change was so drastic that I was flooded with comments and questions by my peers. “What made me change?” “How did you start?” “How did you…