I took a break this summer…
AM SURE THAT YOU NOTICED. Or maybe you didn’t because you decided to take a step back too. Either way, I did this because looking back at the last few years I realize how much stress I held in my life by trying to do it all. I have this desire to accomplish all the things I know I C A N do and it has ruled my day to day. God has really been working on my heart to stop leaning into that desire and focus on more of what he has planned for me. The biggest thing that I realized is that my phone was taking a huge priority over…
Want to learn more about collagen? Keep Reading…
Collagen is EVERYWHERE in the health and wellness industry and for good reason. I decided to use the Green Compass collagen because of the plethora of health benefits it harnesses. It has 3x the amount of collagen than the competitors on the market. The power of clean, organic hemp helps to give the ultimate support for strong skin, hair and nails. The collagen peptide blend comes from a trifecta of sources that helps restore healthy collagen levels while botanicals and vitamins protect skin from oxidative stress, improve hydration and elasticity giving skin a natural glow that promotes healthy aging. This brand speaks to me on a deeper health level because it contains CBG. Nano-enhanced CBG has been called the ‘Mother…
How Meal Planning Saves Our Week
Want to know what makes life easier for our family? Meal planning. It’s something that my husband and I commit to every single weekend so we can make sure the upcoming week. We do this to make sure that it has been grocery shopped and we can cook doing the week without having something random missing. This one little habit that we’ve created helps us actually cook more at home and waste less with our grocery bill. With the current state of the world and just having a larger family, staying on track with our groceries is really important to us. To meal plan, my husband and I sit down…
My Non-Toxic Lipstick Recs
One of the biggest reasons that I am so passionate about clean beauty and skincare is because of the lack of regulation in the beauty industry. As a consumer, I was under the impression that if it was available to purchase in a store, that the products on the shelves were safe for my use but unfortunately that’s not the case. The last major federal law that regulates the beauty industry was passed in 1938 by President Rosevelt. The same beauty industry has grown to $511 billion dollars! That’s a very large market with many ingredients that have not even been tested for human safety. With the lack of regulation,…
How I Made Meal Prepping Non-Negotiable
Meal prepping. Some people love it and some people hate it. I used to not want anything to do with it. As a mom of six, I’ve found that this is a non negotiable for us. When I don’t do it, even the littlest amount, it makes life crazier. One thing God has taught me in life is to never say never and really take time to find practices that will make my life flow easier. Work smarter and not harder, does that sound familiar? I was at a point, not to long ago, where I really struggled to do all the things, especially when it comes eating healthy and…