• Fashion

    Rent the Runway – The Reason Why I Tried It + Why I Love It

    I am often asked where my clothes come from. I link what I can – the things that are this season and not sold out online. I also started doing something different back in March when it comes to shopping and updating my wardrobe and it plays a huge part in the pieces you ask me to link. If you don’t know this about me, I am a minimalist. The amount of clutter that comes along with a family my size is crazy and I am constantly getting rid of things via donating locally. This minimalist mentality also goes for wardrobe. When I was younger, I wanted more items of…

  • Gardening,  Home

    My Top Five Indoor Plant Tips

    I am obsessed with plants, especially indoor plants. The last few years I’ve grown my little plant family and have several plants in every room of my home. I love the way the green just brightens up any corner in any room. The foliage is something that is not only visually appealing but also therapeutic. Plants have an amazing ability to filter the air and can reduce allergy issues, respiratory issues and even headaches! I have really loved the health benefits that plants give, they are living and breathing (in their own way) miracles and having them in our home benefits us greatly. You can read more about the benefits…

  • Health,  Marriage

    Let’s Talk Sex + Hormonal Birth Control

    I am not a medical doctor. All research that I’ve done has been on my own time and I urge you to do the same. I am sharing my findings and what I have chosen to do in my life. If you have any questions please do your own research and decide for yourself what is best for you. Let’s talk about SEX! Yes, I said it. I hope we are all adult enough to not blush and hide at the idea of discussing this. Surprisingly, this is a topic that I am asked about almost every single day. You may or may not know this about me, but I…

  • Gardening

    Gardening Update + What I’m Learning About Canning

    I don’t know how it happened but fall is right around the corner. We are 8 months into 2020 and ready to plant our winter garden. The garden that the kids and I planted earlier this spring did exceptionally well. A few things just didn’t grow like we wanted, spinach, kale and beets didn’t produce like previous years but I’m proud of what we’ve grown, is still coming up to pick and what we can start planting for fall. I suggest that anyone that can, grow some sort of garden. Even by using small planters indoors if you don’t have outdoor space, you can make it happen to grow your…

  • Recipes

    Magical Organic Cold Brew Coffee

    I like to think of my morning coffee as my magic potion and I add a lot of supplements to it to benefit my body. I often get asked about them so it only seemed fitting to give y’all a solid place to reference if you want to try my morning cocktail – minus the booze. I’m gonna be real with you though… nothing can beat an organic caramel latte with oat milk from Bean Bar in Florence though. On the mornings I don’t go to Bean Bar, I make a cold brew coffee at home. Why cold brew you ask? The benefits of drinking cold brew are extensive. It’s…