
  • Kids,  Lifestyle,  Marriage

    Staying in the moment

    Anyone get FOMO? It’s something that I struggle with. Social media has a way of making it worse. Scrolling someone’s feed and seeing their beautiful vacation pictures, perfect homes and brand new cars. Comparing your life to theirs and wondering why you don’t “have it all.” I read a quote that says “comparison is the thief of joy,” and it couldn’t be more true. I have days where I get so angry that my life isn’t as picture perfect as others. It’s so easy to get into a negative headspace when you are comparing your journey to someone else’s. That sentence really puts it into perspective doesn’t it? Your journey…

  • Kids,  Lifestyle

    Peace of Mind thanks to the Playtex® Ventaire™ bottle

    Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and a date night with my husband is on my mind. Our children will be with my sister as she has so graciously offered to babysit for us to have some alone time. Date nights have become something that Derrek and I plan once a week so that we can have some one on one time to reconnect. Now that we are outnumbered by our children, this has become a number one priority to keep our relationship healthy. When Nolan and Harper were both infants, getting away was really hard for me to do because neither of them would take a bottle. I…

  • Health,  Lifestyle

    Smoothie Bowls made easy with Blendtec

    I received this product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Read my disclaimer page for more information. I’m sharing one of my (and the kids) favorite foods to prepare: smoothie bowls. These have always been something that we all get involved with making. Not only are they delicious and healthy but the kids love making their own designs with the toppings. This year, we are putting our health first. Part of staying healthy is by eating organic, fresh foods with as little ingredients as possible. Smoothies are something that are made daily in our home. Sometimes we have them for breakfast, post workout or just for…

  • Lifestyle

    Happy New Year!

    It’s so hard to believe that another year has passed so quickly. 2016 held a lot of new experiences for our family and we are excited to see what 2017 holds! We went on a few trips, started new endeavors, and welcomed Scarlet Reese into our family. I wanted to share a few of my favorite pictures from our last photoshoot with Kristina J Mosley and also include what our New Years Resolutions are for 2017. We all decided to write them down so we could look at them throughout the year and hold ourselves accountable for what we aspire to achieve. I hope that you start 2017 by taking…

  • Lifestyle

    Lorena Canals Washable Rug For the Win

    My kitchen is a place of solace for me. I spend countless hours preparing food for myself and my family every day. Sadly, it’s the place that often gets looked over when it comes to updating. I am working on changing that, little by little, because it is a place that I spend so much time in. Student loans kill our bank account and so that keeps me in check when it comes to re-doing something in our house. I’ve been lucky enough to work with a few companies to help spruce up this area and it is finally coming together. Something that I knew that I wanted for our…