• Health,  Home,  Kids

    Baby Care Brands We Love Right Now

    As a mom of five, you can only imagine the questions I get about baby products. I will be the first to say that less is more. I used to want to buy ALL. THE. THINGS. Now that I am more seasoned, it’s a lot easier to buy less and focus on the things that we love for our babies. I do have two under two so I do have some first hand knowledge of the best brands for crunchy mamas to use for their babies and I would love to share with y’all! Also note that when I refer to you as crunchy mamas, it is a loving term.…

  • Home,  Kids,  Lifestyle

    Keeping Kids Busy: Inside Edition

    Ohhhhhhh ya’ll, as we go into another week of our new normal I have got to say that I’m going a little stir crazy and so are my kids. In an effort to help all of our mental health, I am doing my best to stay busy. That also means keeping my kids busy. I’m not saying that our entire day is mapped out and calculated (we have a loose schedule) but we fill our time with fun things that allow imaginations to run wild and also make us laugh. From card games to forts, we are rotating all the things and loving the outcome. Yes, our “normal” has changed…

  • Fitness,  Health

    The Importance of Staying Positive

    Why are you viewing photos of me meditating and going through a yoga flow when the topic of this blog is about being positive? Because the first thing I want to do every time I see these photos is to critique myself. But guess what, this body deserves some love and positivity. It’s carried 5 babies, almost 31 years of living and hopefully will keep me on this earth for a very long time. I write this as I’m sitting on the floor of my bedroom after getting my 6 month old to nap. I’m tired, worn out, stretched thin, million things on my to do list, and feeling thirsty…

  • Makeup

    Mother’s Day Gift Guide

    A loving note to all mothers: DO NOT expect your significant other NOT to screw up Mother’s Day this year.  As we always say, if you want something done right then do it yourself! In other words, speak up and tell your partner what you want. As the mom who literally does everything in 2020, we need to feel good about ourselves. Every woman deserves some serious pampering right now!! Never underestimate the power of a warm bubble bath and a charcoal mask. Help us make time for us. Make us make time for us.  As two tired, hard-working, home-schooling mamas trying to survive in a global pandemic, my friend…

  • Kids

    The Down Low on Baby Wearing

    Baby wearing is something that I do every single day. It’s how I accomplish cleaning, cooking or running errands. I didn’t know a thing about baby wearing until Nolan was about 6 months old and wow it is a total game changer for a mom. It is the practice of wearing or carrying a baby in a sling or in another form of carrier. It has been practiced for centuries around the world. By baby wearing, I am able to accomplish so much more because my babies will sleep peacefully verses just cry every time I tried to lay them down and do anything. I could clean my house, get…