• Gardening

    Garden Update 2020 + How You Can Grow Your Own Food

    It’s been almost ten years since I started to garden with my own little family. Growing up, my Daddy always planted a garden at his farm and I would walk through the rows and help him tend to things but it wasn’t until I started doing this with my own family that it made me truly cherish planting a yearly garden. You can see by clicking this post, that my garden has changed quite a bit even in the last year. I think that gardening comes with a learning curve that changes as your needs do and your knowledge of gardening evolves. When I first started gardening, my idea of…

  • Fashion,  Health

    Our Fav Nontoxic Nail Brands and Why You Should Care

    Being a mom of four girls, I have my fair share of “spa days” at home where I treat my littles to their own mani pedi sessions. We love having our girl time together and making memories with my littles is something that means a lot! Memories are the things that I cherish most and when I strive to live a more healthy and non toxic lifestyle, I cannot ignore the unsafe ingredients that are used with nail polishes. In 2015, The New York Times shared an article that states “A growing body of medical research shows a link between the chemicals that make nail and beauty products useful —…

  • Home

    Spring Cleaning: What Nontoxic Brands Pass the Test

    Disclaimer: I am not a Norwex consultant. I suggest connecting with someone in your area to place an order and answer questions if you’re interested in purchasing. I am sharing about my experience cleaning with them in my home. The road to non toxic living is different for everyone. Mine started when I became pregnant and I am sure when you look at your moment of change it was different and so was the avenue you started with. The point is that it does not matter where or when you start, just the fact that you START! Every conversation that I have with you all, it makes me so excited…

  • Health,  Home

    Indoor Air Pollution Reducers: From Plants to Products

    This post contains affiliate links and if you shop them, I will receive a commission. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Many of you might not know this but your home actually harbors a lot of indoor air pollution. This could come from numerous things… including yourself! That was certainly a little fact that I did not know and now I’m all ears. So… that leads to a question. What causes indoor pollution? Indoor air pollution is caused by a combination of particles like pollen, dust, pet dander, mold spores and smoke combined with ozone, invisible gases and volatile organic compounds which…

  • Health

    Essential Oils and Spring Allergies: Connecting the Dots

    Runny nose, sneezing, lots of congestion and just feeling yourself? Seasonal allergies take a tole on a lot of people this time of year, myself included. I’ve asked my friends their holistic remedies and along with a few that I’ve picked up along the way I’ve used all the “tricks” during the past few allergy seasons. Living life holistically can be hard when you don’t have creditable resources to use when you need them. For that reason, I think it’s important to house all the remedies I’ve found for treating a cold/allergies holistically and why I choose to incorporate these into my family’s lives. I’m including the ones that I…