• Lifestyle

    New Years Resolutions 2018

    It is so crazy that 2017 has come and gone. Time is flying by at lightening speed and every year brings so many new memories. I never understood the term “time flies” until I had children. They are the perfect example of time, they are growing so quickly in front of my face that it scares me. It also reminds me that almost six years have passed since I became a mom and sometimes, it’s hard to remember that I was my own person before that. I love spending my life with them 24/7 but not having any “me time” isn’t healthy. I can look back and see when I’ve…

  • Health,  Recipes

    Healthy Gummies for the Entire Family

    I’m pulling out all the stops during winter break and that means finding things to do that include the kids and keep our immune systems boosted. I cannot tell you how many cold, stomach virus and flu posts I’ve seen but thankfully only one person in our house has gotten sick all winter. Last year, when Nolan was in public school, he brought home everything known to man and it traveled through our household with a vengeance. I feel like we were all sick every week and it was so frustrating! This year, I’ve spent more focused time on the supplements we incorporate into our daily routine and ways to…

  • Fashion,  Kids,  Lifestyle

    Motherhood Lately

    ‌ my top | jeans | boots As many of you know, I am a stay at home mom to three children. Nolan is 5, Harper is 3 and Scarlet Reese is 18 months. When I look at those sweet little faces, I know that there is nothing more important than being their mom. It really blows my mind to go back to my life BEFORE children and how different I was. Everyday, I see more and more how my children have changed me and continuously help me be a better person. I know this seems selfish but, at the end of the day, when you’ve given and given and…

  • Health,  Recipes

    Modern Oats for this Modern Mom

    This post is sponsored by Modern Oats. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Let’s be real moms… when do you get time to eat? Ok, now I want to know, when you do get to eat, is it hot? Or you grabbing something unhealthy because it’s convenient or settling for a cold cup of coffee? With every addition we add in our family, MY time decreases a little more. Let’s not even get into how hectic the holiday season is! Mom life is a constant struggle to remain balanced… semi balanced… a little balanced? Yea any of those, haha! It’s so…

  • Kids

    Here Comes Santa Claus

    Y’all! There are only seven days left until Christmas! Can you believe it? This year feels like it has flown by and especially the little bit of time that’s left before Santa comes. With every year, comes new experiences and traditions with the kids! After over doing it (by a long shot) when it was Nolan’s first Christmas, I vowed never to do that again and spare myself the aggravation of putting together a million things that he didn’t even play with. Yes, big mom fail here! Ha. We buy a certain amount per kid and spend the rest buying Christmas for a family in our area. This is important…