• Kids

    Here Comes Santa Claus

    Y’all! There are only seven days left until Christmas! Can you believe it? This year feels like it has flown by and especially the little bit of time that’s left before Santa comes. With every year, comes new experiences and traditions with the kids! After over doing it (by a long shot) when it was Nolan’s first Christmas, I vowed never to do that again and spare myself the aggravation of putting together a million things that he didn’t even play with. Yes, big mom fail here! Ha. We buy a certain amount per kid and spend the rest buying Christmas for a family in our area. This is important…

  • Home

    How bObi Helps Me Keep My Sanity

    This post has been sponsored by bObi Sweep. All opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. I have always been really OCD about my personal space… every apartment I lived in and the house I shared with Derrek before Nolan was born, was spotless! If my living area is dirty, it physically bothers me and gives me a great deal of anxiety. Now, I know you’re probably laughing because you know that I have kids and that I clean up 197467 messes a day. This being said, I was that mom who swept the floors every day. Our house is entirely hardwood floors and with…

  • Fashion,  Health


    Let me tell y’all a little secret. My hair is my security blanket. I am still shocked at myself for cutting it… but all the post partum hair fall out and regrowth gave me no choice! After transitioning my personal care products (and adding a few kids in the mix), one of the things I kept reading about hair is that when you over wash it can cause a multitude of issues. I’ve dealt with psoriasis for many, many, many years and having those flare ups and sores in my scalp make me willing to try anything. The non toxic shampoo and conditioner that I’ve found works best at clearing…

  • Health,  Recipes

    My Chicken and “Rice” Recipe and Non Toxic Cookware Guide

    One thing I’ve learned after starting my family is that finding good recipes that don’t take several hours to make is really important. It’s so easy to say, “well, nothing is cooked, so let’s just head out to eat.” How often have you heard those words come out of your mouth? Fast food or eating out is such a waste of money and will pack on the pounds at the same time. Don’t get me wrong, getting “vacation meals” every now and then isn’t bad but don’t make it a habit. I am with the kids 24/7 and even though Derrek is more than hands on when he is home,…

  • Fashion

    Winter Is A Comin’

    The Winter Blues are here and are in full effect. Some days are better than others BUT not getting my regular dose of Vitamin D has a lot to do with it. Mama’s with small children, my hat goes off to you. There is ALWAYS something to do and the messes you have to clean up seem never ending. During all of this, I have realized how important self care is. We cannot pour from an empty cup, It is so important for us to remember that in order to keep all the balls in our court. Here are a few of my favorite ways to show myself self-care during…