• Health,  Kids

    Cloth Diapering 101

    When I was pregnant, I had researched what chemicals were in most diapers I decided to use nontoxic. Most disposable diapers contain chemicals like chlorine, perfumes or polyacrylate (a chemical that is specifically used to absorb) that causes more harm than good. These specific chemicals in disposable diapers can strip away protective bacteria on the skin and change the pH balance of your infant, which can cause dryness and skin irritations. In some cases, the exposure to the chemicals in the diapers have caused very severe reactions like fever, vomiting and staph infections. I have personally found that my children are very reactive to the chemicals in disposable diapers and…

  • Health

    Nontoxic Laundry Detergent 411

    It’s funny that I’m writing about the topic of laundry because I’m currently knee deep in laundry. I let my daily routine get out of wack so it’s my fault. As a mom of five, between the kids, Derrek and myself I have found that if I wash and dry two loads of laundry a day then it can all be put away before bedtime and not overflowing from the laundry baskets. When I don’t stick to a daily laundry routine things pile up like they are right now because we spent the weekend at the pool. Now that Nolan and Harper are older, I’ve actually made it a point…

  • Fashion,  Health,  Makeup

    My Fav Nontoxic Sunless Tanner

    This post is in partner with Beauty by Earth. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Many of you do not know this about me but I used to be addicted to tanning. My teenage and early twenties were dedicated to being the tannest I could be and really thriving on being outside without sunscreen and in the tanning bed daily! Not only has this left my 30 year old skin in a state of repair because I now have to fix those issues I caused my self but now that I KNOW BETTER, it leaves me pale. Sometimes, I just don’t…

  • Health,  Home

    How To Transition To A Nontoxic Kitchen

    I spend A LOT of time in the kitchen y’all. Probably 20ish hours a day… jk but that’s what it feels like. I am sure that you can only imagine what all I am asked to make, open or get for my fam on a daily basis. My people are the people that LOVE good foods and snacking so there is no telling how much traffic goes in and out of the kitchen on the reg. Having a non toxic kitchen was a big goal of mine when I started switching to safer and it is something that I am still striving for. Since I transitioned to a non toxic…

  • Kids

    Lovevery: My Favorite High Quality Baby Toys

    With five kids, I’ve learned that with toys, more is less. What I mean is that toys tend to collect in areas and not get played with when there is an abundance… and when there are one or two in site, the kids will actually play with them. I have been on the hunt for some fun new non-toxic toys for my littlest girls and I LOVE the ones that I found with a brand called Lovevery! I had never heard of them before so when they reached out to me about trying some toys, I was really excited! I went to their website and checked out the brand and…