Third Trimester Bumpdate
dress | earrings | necklaces | kimono | shoes – last season (shop similar)
How on Earth did time fly so quickly during this pregnancy? It blows my mind and makes me so sad. I know that this will be my last pregnancy and I am trying to soak it all in, even the parts that aren’t my fav. Energy has def lacked this go around and because of this, I rely on a daily nap to keep my sanity. If it wasn’t for a variety of supplements and the help of a babysitter and my husband, I seriously doubt I would have survived thus far. Working from home is hard enough but working from home while pregnant deserves a dang award! I swear, my little’s get a kick out of distracting me while I am working so I just try and work when I can. I am also thankful that I have a job that allows for flexibility when I need it.
Now, back to my bump date for all you mama’s and mama’s to be.
How far along are you? 34 weeks and one day
Due Date? July 8th but I am hoping for a June baby 🙂
Gender: 98% chance it’s a girl… she was curled up into a cannon ball during the ultrasound so there might be a chance we are surprised!
Total weight gain/loss: I’ve gained 30 pounds which is what I averaged (give or take a few pounds) with each baby.
Exercise: I go to the gym 4-5 times a week and I take classes that last 45-60 minutes.
Stretch marks: I haven’t noticed any so far but I do have some from when I gained a lot of weight in college. I use the Beautycounter baby protective balm and baby oil to help prevent.
Swelling: No! Thank goodness! I have never had an issue with swelling during my pregnancies.
Maternity clothes: I am loving dresses… I cannot tell you the last time that I wore pants! Anything that makes me feel beautiful while staying comfy is a must in my book.
Belly button: I officially have an outie…. omgggg it looks so weird hahaha!
Sleep: I feel like this is a trick question, haha! I sleep but I get up to pee about 5 times at night so it doesn’t feel like I’m getting into a deep sleep.
Food cravings: I have actually lost my appetite and I don’t eat big meals anymore. I do love watermelon, peaches and green apples with Himalayan pink salt.
Symptoms: very emotional and tired. I am also dealing with headaches but I always have them during my pregnancies during the first and last trimesters.
Movement: TONS of movement happening in my belly. Baby is head down so I feel lots of kicks in my ribs and karate chops.
What I miss: being able to lay on my stomach and wear certain clothes… I’ve also lost my appetite.
What I’m loving: Being at the beach and the pool with my littles. There’s something fun about being pregnant in the summer and THIS is it!
What I’m looking forward too: holding my sweet little babe and feeling all the good feels right after birth. Also, introducing the baby to the other kids.
Best moment this week: hearing the baby’s heartbeat. I LOVE going to my prenatal appointments because of this.