• Health,  Home,  Kids

    Non-Toxic Kitchen Swaps: Back to School Edition

    One of the biggest ways we can reduce our toxic load is by swapping out items we use on a daily basis. If you’re someone who makes snacks and lunches for your children (or just for yourself), making an effort to focus on healthier ways to store your foods should be on your priority list. When it comes to living a non-toxic lifestyle, one thing I have stressed over the years is to swap what you can, when you can and be happy with what you’re able to do. NOT focusing on what you can’t do or how to do it all it once. That later leads you into a…

  • Health

    I’VE HAD ENOUGH! I’m spilling the tea on melatonin!

    Making this swap is important for your sleep and overall health. This also goes for NyQuil, Sleeping aids or even Benadryl. (All things people have shared with me so they could get to sleep) Cutting out melatonin use is very important, mostly because it teaches your body to not naturally make it and you can become dependent on artificial forms. Melatonin is ubiquitous. It is present in nearly all life forms, including plants and animals, and even single cell organisms. Evolutionarily, it dates back billions of years serving essential cellular processes with its antioxidant and free radical scavenging functions, and more recently as a key element in the regulation of circadian rhythms and…

  • Health

    I took a break this summer…

     AM SURE THAT YOU NOTICED. Or maybe you didn’t because you decided to take a step back too. Either way, I did this because looking back at the last few years I realize how much stress I held in my life by trying to do it all. I have this desire to accomplish all the things I know I  C A N  do and it has ruled my day to day. God has really been working on my heart to stop leaning into that desire and focus on more of what he has planned for me.  The biggest thing that I realized is that my phone was taking a huge priority over…

  • Home

    Why We Use Clean Mosquito Repellants

    The mosquitoes are HORRIBLE where we live and it’s been a struggle to not get eaten alive when we go outside. Years ago, I looked into conventional mosquito repellants because I am a mosquito magnet and I also want to enjoy being outside instead of covered in bug bites. You can protect yourself without having to use a DEET-based chemical repellent. DEET products have the potential to cause health and environmental problems. According to research published in The New England Journal of Medicine, most cases of serious side effects caused by DEET involve long-term, heavy, frequent or whole-body application of the repellent. When it’s applied with common sense and only on…

  • Fitness,  Health


    When you think of your children, do you think about how active they are? The average child is on a screen of some sort for 4-6 hours a day and teens heading up into 9 hours. That’s a lot of time to have them stuck in technology and can ultimately lead to a plethora of problems. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology states that the following issues are associated with higher screen times: As screen time becomes more and more common, children are spending less time outside and most importantly actively moving their bodies. By children being active from a young age, it really helps them maintain a…