The Best Foods To Eat When You’re Stressed

What we eat directly impacts how our minds work. The neurons (major cells of the brain) are specifically affected with what foods you consume. When you have a lot of unhealthy foods in your diet like fats and sugars, it creates inflammation of the neurons which also hinders the creation of new neurons.
Our gut and brain and connected and communicated constantly back to one another.
If you’re feeling STRESSED, moody, or craving a particular food… you can connect on a deeper level by changing up what you’re eating! If you want to help your body change and adapt, you need to focus on eating brain foods.
Check out these brain boosting foods:
Here are some other ways to eat to beat stress:
- Make sure aren’t eating to late. When you eat later at night, your body secretes more of the insulin hormone. 5-6pm is the most ideal time for dinner.
- Connect the dots on your outside stressors. Your environment and people around also dramatically affects your gut.
- Avoid toxins when you can. You want to avoid foods treated with herbicides or pesticides, along with animal meats that consumed toxins when alive. Try buying your meat locally from farmers that do better with their animals and also shopping the dirty dozen and clean fifteen.
Have you ever connected your stress to foods? Let’s discuss ⬇️
This is shared from Dr. Josh Axe on this post!