• Health,  Home,  Kids

    Non-Toxic Kitchen Swaps: Back to School Edition

    One of the biggest ways we can reduce our toxic load is by swapping out items we use on a daily basis. If you’re someone who makes snacks and lunches for your children (or just for yourself), making an effort to focus on healthier ways to store your foods should be on your priority list. When it comes to living a non-toxic lifestyle, one thing I have stressed over the years is to swap what you can, when you can and be happy with what you’re able to do. NOT focusing on what you can’t do or how to do it all it once. That later leads you into a…

  • Health,  Home

    Improving the air quality in our home with air purifiers

    In the world of non-toxic swaps, it can be overwhelming knowing where to start. I do suggest starting simple with things that you use a lot and being happy with any swap that you’re able to make. This makes it less overwhelming and helps you feel more accomplished with any swap you do! When I first started making my swaps to more non-toxic items, I started with food, moved to cleaning products and then my personal care products. That was over 10 years ago and since then the amount of swaps that I’ve made is honestly something that I cannot count. You can read more about making those swaps and how…

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    The Best Nontoxic Laundry Products On the Market

    Disclaimer: I do use affiliate links on here meaning that if you purchase anything through my affiliate links I receive commission at no additional cost to you! My views and opinions are never swayed because of this! I only recommend products and services I love! Let’s talk laundry products.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I do A LOT of laundry and I feel like somewhat of an expert when it comes to what to do use that’s gonna get the job done 😂😂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀This was one of the hardest swaps I made to a nontoxic product, to be honest.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀What made me want to change my laundry products was having major headaches linked to fragrances so it wasn’t…

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    My Review of Force By Nature

    This post is in partner with Force of Nature. There are links in this post that if clicked, I make a small commission off of if you make a purchase. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. When you enter the nontoxic world, it is easy to become overwhelmed with information. It’s very complex and something that most of us shy away from because we don’t want that overwhelming feeling. Living a nontoxic life doesn’t have to be that way. You can consume bite sized pieces of information when you have the time to process it and celebrate any and all wins…

  • Health

    What’s in the lubricating strip in razors?

    This post contains affiliate links that I do make a small commission on if you click them. They come at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Have you ever wondered what the lubricating strip is on the razors you use? I remember when I was younger, I would always pull them off the razor after they got soggy in the shower because I thought it was gross 😂 I had no idea what really goes down in the chemical makeup of razors but now that I do, it’s something I feel strongly about sharing. Are the lubricating strips on razors toxic? Most razors…