• Fashion,  Health

    Boss Babe

    This is a post that’s very near and dear to my heart and I am excited to share it with you today! I try to practice gratitude in my day-to-day life and something I don’t feel like I talk about enough is how GRATEFUL I am to work for Beautycounter. You guys, I can’t POSSIBLY put into words how thankful I am for this company, our leaders, and the products we offer. Working for Beautycounter has changed. my. life. As a mother of 5 very small children, I can only tell you that the thought of making money while working from my iPhone out of my “mom car” seemed like…

  • Home,  Kids

    Owlet Baby Monitor Gives This Mama Peace of Mind

    When you’re a brand new mom, you’re taught to worry about your baby when they sleep. Well, guess what? That worry never goes away! Even when you’re a 5-time mom like me, you still worry! For decades, parents have used baby monitors for peace of mind when the baby is out of view. When you think of a baby monitor, you often think of a walkie-talkie shaped device that often-times now has a video screen to see the baby. With a camera set up in the baby’s room, you are able to see and hear the baby which makes for a much better night’s sleep for parents. A video monitor…

  • Fitness,  Health

    Health Journey – The “YES” List

    I want to state to everyone before you read more into this post. As someone who changed her entire life around by starting my health journey in the weight loss category, I know that some people may not feel the need to do the same. I never focus on a particular number when it comes to weight loss, it’s more about seeing your body thrive and you be able to actually ENJOY your life than dealing with health issues. I recently shared my story and what started my health journey and y’all want more info so here it goes… Rarely do you hear “DO’s” when you’re trying to maintain a…

  • Fitness,  Health

    Self Care Simplicity

    Heyyyyy ya’ll! I wanted to take the time to give you an update before I get to the meat and potatoes of this blog post. Since I gave birth to Vivi, I’ve been taking it easy and haven’t worked as much as normal. I’ve also had a lot of time to think about what content I’ve been producing and realized that I was focused on getting quantity content out verses quality. After simmering on this for a little while I’ve decided to stop trying to share so much on my blog so that it’s seen more and focus on quality posts that are shared 1-2 times a week. It’s hard…

  • Health

    Dieting VS. Lifestyle Changes

    Something that I feel compelled to talk about this week is my lifestyle and how it came to be.  I’ve talked about this in the past but it was when my blog was new and I had a smaller following. I get asked health questions numerous times a day and I want to share all of my knowledge with y’all! I’ve also seen a backlash after my transition and it’s something that I want to address. I didn’t change my lifestyle for anyone else. I repeat, I didn’t do it to “be cool” or try and “one up” anyone. I changed because I saw that the way I was living…