Winter Is A Comin’
The Winter Blues are here and are in full effect. Some days are better than others BUT not getting my regular dose of Vitamin D has a lot to do with it. Mama’s with small children, my hat goes off to you. There is ALWAYS something to do and the messes you have to clean up seem never ending. During all of this, I have realized how important self care is. We cannot pour from an empty cup, It is so important for us to remember that in order to keep all the balls in our court. Here are a few of my favorite ways to show myself self-care during…
‘Tis the Season
Does any other mama feel stretched out this time of year? I don’t know if it’s the age of my children, all of the things on my plate or just the holiday season but I feel like I can’t keep up. Being a perfectionist and having OCD during this stage of life is actually quite comical. My kids have really done a number on me and keep me on my toes. I have learned SO much about myself during this and the most important thing is presence over perfection. My children need me now, more than ever. Although, I have goals for myself, I realize that my children are so…
Brussels and Beet Noodles, My Go-To Recipe Right Now
With Thanksgiving RIGHT around the corner, I felt like it would be the perfect time to share one of my go-to recipes for fall. I am someone who often falls into the cooking the same things for every meal category and I have to switch it up or I’ll start making bad food choices. Fall and winter bring out some of my favorite recipes and I am so excited to be able to share them with y’all. Being a mom of three has gotten me think outside of the box for meal ideas, especially in the easy prep category. I have grown to love baking my veggies and quickly sautéing…
There’s No Place Like Home For the Holidays
How on Earth is it almost the end of November? Y’all, this month has flown by faster than any other in 2017, in my opinion. I feel like we haven’t had the chance to soak up fall like we wanted and now it’s almost winter! It’s hard to contain my excitement because in a few days, I’ll be cooking my own Thanksgiving. I’ve never done this and this will be the first time that it’s just Derrek, myself and the kids and we are really looking forward to it. We always travel to several different Thanksgiving’s on that day and although we enjoy seeing family, we’re so worn out from…
My Costco Must Haves
One of the most requested blog topics, ya’ll ask for is “what’s on my Costco grocery list?” Long story short, I head to Costco once a month and stock up on things for the house. Every weekend, I make a trip to the local Walmart and have been pretty impressed by their selection. I have shared my Costco finds on my instastories several times but I’ve never had the patience to do the same while at Wal-Mart because it’s crazy town. That one glorious day a month that I head to Costco, it’s truly special yall! I don’t get EVERYTHING there but it does help me out in the snack…