• Health,  Home

    Why I made a commitment to take CBD daily

    For the last few months, I did an experiment on myself. I tried CBD during my postpartum because I felt like I was drowning. And guess what… it helped me remember that I knew how to swim. Never in a million years would I think that I would be sitting here, writing a love letter about CBD but here I am, a TRUE believer of what it can do for us because I have seen it first hand since my sixth baby was born.  I’ll explain… my husband picked up A LOT of jobs this summer, I am thankful that he was able to do that to help us financially…

  • Health,  Pregnancy

    Why Encapsulating My Placenta Was A Non Negotiable

    When I had my first baby, I had no idea what was in store for me. I also didn’t know about the fourth trimester. This one is all about mommy. Alongside dealing with body issues like postpartum bleeding, cramping, sore and engorged boobs, it’s also a time to worry about maintaining sanity and resting so the body can heal. The next few months are crucial as a new or once again mom because they set the tone for YOU. When I first had Nolan, I had no idea about natural ways to fight post partum depression and remember nights/early mornings up with a crying baby wondering how was I ever…

  • Lifestyle,  Pregnancy

    Why I Suggest All Breastfeeding Moms Use a HAAKKAA

    If you’re about to have a baby or just had a baby and nursing, then I strongly urge you use a HAAKAA milk catcher when you’re nursing. The HAAKKAA is made for breastfeeding and pumping moms. I’ve used it with my last three babies and WOW it has really been a major perk while postpartum and wanting to start a milk supply but not wanting to pump. It is perfect for those who have baby latched to one side, and are experiencing a let down on the other side. I always attach to my other breast while nursing and then take the collected milk and store it in the freezer.…

  • Health,  Makeup

    My Non-Toxic Lipstick Recs

    One of the biggest reasons that I am so passionate about clean beauty and skincare is because of the lack of regulation in the beauty industry. As a consumer, I was under the impression that if it was available to purchase in a store, that the products on the shelves were safe for my use but unfortunately that’s not the case. The last major federal law that regulates the beauty industry was passed in 1938 by President Rosevelt. The same beauty industry has grown to $511 billion dollars! That’s a very large market with many ingredients that have not even been tested for human safety. With the lack of regulation,…

  • Health

    Postpartum Self Care From a Mom of Six

    I am six weeks postpartum with my sixth baby and during this season of life, it’s so clear that being a mom is hard and lovely all at once. After the baby comes, the baby is pretty much everyone’s focus including the mom and most times this can cause the one who needs the most care to feel alone and uncared for.  Remembering that you cannot fill from an empty cup is crucial. I can’t say it enough, it’s IMPORTANT to remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. If not, you’ll end up feeling burned out, sad and that could lead to postpartum depression.…