All You Need to Know About Cooking With Salt Blocks

Happy Friday ya’ll! I don’t know about you but I am BEYOND excited for the weekend to be here. We have fun plans with friends and family so it gives us extra excitement for the upcoming days. The weekend brings a lot of experimenting with new recipes which makes my foodie heart happy. I’ve gotten a ton of requests about this recipe from last week that I shared on my instagram. I cooked salmon filets from Lidl for dinner one night and grabbed my Himalayan salt block to cook it on. Never heard of it? Welp, get ready to have your mind blown! Not only do they give your food a great taste and are completely non toxic, they also have tons of nutritional health benefits.
Himalayan salt blocks are natural products that are obtained from salt mines near the Himalaya Mountains. Boulders of salt are cut into smaller stones that can be grilled on, imparting unique flavor and providing a fantastic evenly heating surface that you can use in your oven or on the grill. Cooking vegetables and meats on a salt block really does help break up your normal cooking routine. I mean who has ever cooked on one? It’s for sure out of the ordinary. It has a naturally antimicrobial cooking surface, can withstand extreme heat and imparts rich, unique flavor and adds minerals into your food.
I purchased my salt block for less than $20 and I’ve had it for almost three years. I use it at least once a week and recently started cooking with it on our grill. Ya’ll, the flavors that come out of this are phenomenal! One recipe that’s a family favorite is broiled salmon. It’s super quick and easy and a crowd pleaser. Check out the recipe below!
-salmon fillets
-cracked black pepper
-1/2 tsp garlic, minced
-2 tbsp butter or ghee
1. add seasoning to salmon
2. place skin side down on salt block
3. broil for 5 minutes on each side
4. take out of the oven and enjoy!