• Fashion,  Kids

    An Update On The Girls And An Adorable, Quick Hair How-To.

    As the girls get older, I catch myself remembering some of the things I use to say. Things like: “They will always match,” “they will always wear bows in their hair,” “I’ll never bribe them to do things that they need to do,” etc. It really does make me giggle. As a first time parent, I really was a know it all and man, these last 7 years have taught me so much. Mostly that I didn’t know anything and I am constantly learning new lessons every day. It makes me give them and myself all the grace because we are all learning and growing together. I have had some…

  • Health,  Home

    Immune Boosting With Essential Oils

    With the starting of school and changing of the seasons, germs are sure to spread around more than normal. For this reason, we as a family focus on boosting our immune systems as much as possible with fresh organic foods, supplements and vitamins (read more about those here) and of course essential oils. I’ve used essential oils for almost 8 years now and it’s one of my favorite switches to safer. Before oils, I didn’t realize how much I could actually use them for and now I feel like there is an oil for everything. I am very picky about the quality of essential oils and you really do get…

  • Home

    Why You Need A Naturepedic Mattress

    This post is in partner with Naturepedic. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. I am SO pumped about this feature because it’s a biggie. The need for an organic mattress never occurred to me until I started looking into options for the kids. To be honest, Derrek and I were given a mattress as a wedding gift from his parents so we didn’t get to pick that out. I didn’t care about any feature for a mattress other than was it soft enough for me. I cannot stand a hard mattress. Derrek on the other hand loves a hard mattress. The…

  • Health,  Kids,  Lifestyle

    Ella Mercy’s Birth Story

    The weeks are flying by and I can’t believe it! As I look through these maternity pictures, I feel like this photo session was just the other day. Amber Coker did the most amazing job at capturing what I wanted for this session and I cannot wait for our next one. She is going to come and take pictures of us as a family now that Mercy has joined us Earth side. We just have A LOT going on right now (and I will fill yall in soon, when I can discuss it publicly) so Amber is being patient with me until we can get together. I know that I’ve…