Our Fav Foods in Florence
As many of you know, we recently moved to another town in South Carolina. I say recently, this happened back in March. It was a really crazy time because I had just gone on a trip to Washington, D.C. with Beautycounter, Harper turned four and we had her birthday party then we moved. AHHHHH! And I won’t get into to much detail but we are having to move AGAIN into another rental. (I will elaborate on this but later!) I grew up in a small town near Florence, SC and when I went to college, I went to Francis Marion University. I lived in Florence for five years while…
Small Changes Make a Big Impact
Part of my health journey and my “why” is my children. I honestly never cared about my health before I was pregnant. I lived a wild lifestyle with lots of toxic daily contributions. One day, I just decided I wanted to change. My shift in thinking and being didn’t really occur until I was pregnant with my first child. Now, I am a mom of four and focused on being the best version of myself for my children. I know all to well how they watch and mimic Derrek and myself as they grow. They learn directly from us and because of this, I am very aware of what…
Pretty in Pink and Unicorn Dreams
pajamas | bed linens When we moved into this house, I knew I wanted to do two things. Have Nolan and Harper sleep in their own rooms and also for Scarlet Reese to become potty trained. Derrek and I told Nolan that we would get him Fortnite if he slept in his room and he rocked that and now sleeps in his own bed. Harper and Scarlet Reese are harder to bribe. hahaha, because that’s exactly what we did. We negotiated with the little people. We have always let them sleep with us but it’s getting crowded as they get bigger. Harper was convinced by Nolan (man, you gotta love…
My “PUSH” Present
This post is in partner with the Minimalist Magnolia. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Alright Mama’s, let’s talk about a”push” present. Have you ever heard of it? It’s a gift from your S.O. that you are supposed to get after you have a baby. The hardest thing I have ever done is give birth and I think that the least my husband could do is give me a gift for it, haha! I don’t mean flowers or chocolates, I mean something worth meaning. I am obsessed with classic pieces of statement jewelry and I’ve always known that I wanted my…
Playtex Brings Better Beginnings
Each new year brings new opportunity and growth into our lives. I am excited to share something with you that I’ve been working on for a while now. As a mother, the world of baby products can be overwhelming to say the least. As a blogger, I have exposure to many products and it takes time to cull out the best from the group. For this reason, I like to stick with brands that I trust for my baby’s essentials, and use what fits with my lifestyle. Raising healthy and happy babies is my number one priority as a mom so a collaboration with Playtex Baby® was a perfect fit.…