The Perfect Dress for Your Maternity Wardrobe
It’s crazy how summer just keeps flying by, am I right? Shewww, I feel like it just warmed up and now it’s almost time for school to start again! I know most people normally complain about summer and how awfully hot it is, and trust me, South Carolina feels like we are legit right beside the sun but I love it. I thrive best in summer and especially while pregnant! As long as I can wear a dress, I’m a-oh-k. There’s a saying that goes “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” And that is the case for my pregnancy staples. I have always been super pregnant during the summer…
Car Seat Safety and What Brands We Love and Trust
After #momlife-ing hard for the last seven years, I can say that one of the topics I’ve learned the most about is car seats. What brands aren’t great and what brands are. Where to place them in a vehicle and even the chest clip levels. I can easily say that this is a topic that brings out my mama bear and I always want to advocate for our children in this area. So many people (including myself) have gone wrong in this area and I want to share things that I’ve learned along the way to make it easier. When Nolan was born I was really uneducated about car seats…
Pizza Roll Ups for a Family Friendly Meal
This post is in partner with Lidl. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Whoooohoo, it’s almost the weekend ya’ll! I don’t know if this week is just struggle bus central or what but man, I am ready for FRIDAY to be here. Since this week has been so busy for us as a family, I’ve thrived off of easy recipes that take less than 20 minutes. Pizza is something that is always a crowd pleaser so I decided to make it different and try pizza roll ups. They are so easy (very messy, haha) and delicious. Everyone LOVED them and we…
The Real Deal on “Greenwashing”
I myself started my journey into safer products when I had to stop using the acne regime I had used for years and years. My doctor told me that it was not safe to use during pregnancy because it could affect my unborn child. This blew my mind and opened up so many doors to a new lifestyle. I immediately went out and started buying all things “organic” and “all natural” only to learn that I was being exploited by those companies selling their products with those labels. They used those terms merely to get people to buy their products, like me, who wanted safer. To this day, the topic…
Dry Skin? I Got You
I have personally over exposed my skin to years of sun damage, especially during the summer. I can’t turn back time and take it all back but I can focus on making it better. From all that over exposure comes “alligator” dry skin, wrinkles and sunspots. I’ve tried everything under the sun and I’m here to share what I’ve found finally works for anyone who’s dealing with the same super dry skin. The key to correcting the dryness is to replenish the moisture. I believe it all starts with what you’re using in the shower. I normally just wash with the Beautycounter Citrus Mimosa Body Wash but anytime my skin…