Country Livin’
Amanda’s shirt | vest – similar | jeans | boots | bangles | hat
Nolan’s shirt | vest | jeans | boots
Harper’s shirt | vest | jeans | boots | bow
Nolan and Harper could play outside every single day and be the happiest toddlers on the planet! We try and take them outside while it’s still nice out and let them run around and explore. I really love where we live because we spend so much time outside. Our yard is really big, so they have plenty of room for their activities. Now that the soy beans around our house have started drying out, the kids love making trails in the field! I am so in love with how much they go with the flow and enjoy the excitement of any situation. Our time outside usually ends in playing in the dirt or the mud if it has recently rained. These two really keep me on my toes. Nolan told me he was going to “buckle Harper in her seat and take the car and drive in the field round and round!” Where does this boy get this stuff? At least he would make sure his baby sister was strapped into her carseat, ha! I love the ages that they are at and how much they interact with each other. Harper isn’t speaking sentences but she say stuff like “NOLAN! come-ownnnn! Home!” Derrek and I laugh so much hearing the things that come out of their mouths. They surely do know how to wear us out! If we didn’t work at night, I would probably fall asleep when they did!
I’ve linked a few of my favorite plaid shirts below!
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