• Recipes

    Lettuce Taco ‘Bout It

    Food blogs are back and will be better than ever! I promise to share easy to make, healthy and delicious recipes that the entire family will love. I will only share what I’ve tried in my own home with my kiddos and talk about what we love and what we don’t. My kids aren’t really picky eaters but, my husband wins that title, every single time! He could eat a steak and fries for every meal and in between and never think twice. Me on the other hand, I love variety, mixing it up and trying new things. When we go to a restaurant I am the first to ask…

  • Fashion,  Kids

    A little love for my biggest love – featuring Colored Organics

    It is really important to me to spend time with each of my three children together and individually. Nolan and I recently had the chance to go on a little “date” to pick up a few crafts to do at home and went out to dinner just the two of us. This doesn’t happen as often as I’d like but I am hoping to get better with having a schedule that shows me when I do make individualized time with them. Nolan blows my mind every time I look at him. He is growing by leaps and bounds and I feel like he is catching up to how tall I…

  • Fashion,  Health

    My Makeup Routine with Three Little’s

    dress | shoes | makeup As a mom, I tend to put myself last. Everything that I try to do for myself always falls to the back burner and I end up tapped out and raising my white flag. I rarely get out of yoga pants and a comfy vneck tshirt but when I do decide to leave the house, I am thankful for a quick makeup routine that helps me look a little less like a mombie. When Derrek and I actually had a date (these don’t happen enough and I want to make sure we do this more often) last weekend, I was able to dress up and…

  • Fashion

    Back to School with Old Navy

    This post is sponsored by Old Navy. All opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Back to school is officially here wow, I cannot believe that it’s time for school again! Even though we LOVE summer, my little’s LOVE getting prepped to start their school year and part of that is back to school shopping. When I think of where I need to go and shop is always Old Navy, and it’s a great time to #sayhi with them. Their clothing selection is one of my favorites and definitely somewhere, I never walk out empty handed. I LOVE being able to color coordinate with my…

  • Fashion,  Home,  Kids

    Our Evolving Playroom

    I look back at the evolution of this little room and it’s actually quite amazing how much it has transformed over the last five years. When we first moved into this home, Derrek turned this into his office with a glass desk and a love seat but it never felt like an office. The office furniture didn’t “fit” into the space and when Nolan turned six months old, we took that furniture out and made it a playroom for him. Of course, at that time we didn’t have a large income and his playroom consisted of a few hand me down toys, bright colored playmat from Walmart and a little…