
  • Fitness

    34 weeks

    dress | bangles This past weekend has been crazy busy and I’m finding the time to write this as I watch my littles sleep. I’m so thankful for all of the opportunities that have opened up for us over the past several weeks, it seems only fitting to talk about them with y’all! Living out in the country has its perks but it’s also really hard especially when you’re pregnant with your third child and you aren’t surrounded by your family. I’ve been struggling with getting all of my work accomplished (because I work from home), keeping the kids happy and my house happy. I, legit, started praying for some…

  • Fashion,  Fitness

    Skechers Twinning

    Nolan’s shoes | Derrek’s shoes Nolan has always been his daddy’s shadow. I love their bond! Some of my favorite moments in life are seeing them interact, and as time goes on, Nolan becomes more interested in doing everything exactly like his daddy. He wants to go to work with him, workout with him, go uptown with him, etc.! It’s so cute how he gets really excited anytime he does something like Derrek. When Skechers reached out about sporting some of their performance products, I knew that this would be the perfect opportunity for Nolan to match Derrek! Derrek picked out a pair of the black Skechers sneakers, and Nolan…

  • Fitness

    7 A.M. Enfant

    Hey y’all! I hope you’re having the most amazing day! I’ve teamed up with 7 A.M. Enfant to show how I’ve transitioned through the seasons with my daily walks. Now that the weather is much cooler (this week anyway) in South Carolina, we have been all bundled up and going a little crazy with cabin fever. I’ve vowed to not let the weather get to me and use it as an easy excuse not to work out. It’s really important to me to stay healthy for myself and my family, and the few weeks I was sick, I honestly feel like I felt worse because I wasn’t working out regularly!…

  • Fitness,  Health

    YOU are your key to success!

    I’ve come to realize something about my body. When I don’t workout, I can feel it. Overall, I just don’t feel 100% unless I commit myself to a daily run/walk and yoga session. South Carolina in July can be brutally hot, so Derrek and I try and get our family walks in as early as we can. The kids love going for morning walks in the stroller, and Nolan always wants to ride really fast, so that helps burn a few more calories. Get creative when you’re exercising to keep from getting bored. We commit, on our 2 mile walks, to ten squats or lunges when we pass a light pole…

  • Fitness

    Yoga is for everyone!

    By: Danielle Cuccio – celebrity yoga instructor, CEO of Cuccio Somatology ( Blog: Photos: Kathryn Page ( Yoga can be seen as somewhat spiritual, “guru-y”, but in actuality, it doesn’t have to be that at all.  Yoga can be whatever you want it to be.  It can be slow, it can be fast.  It can be spiritual, it can be purely physical.  It really is what you make it. That is why I love yoga.  And the great thing is, it feels good no matter what.  Even if a stretch feels intense at the moment, you can feel so much better after. I used to hate yoga.  Being a hip-hop dancer…