
  • Fitness,  Health

    Health Journey – The “YES” List

    I want to state to everyone before you read more into this post. As someone who changed her entire life around by starting my health journey in the weight loss category, I know that some people may not feel the need to do the same. I never focus on a particular number when it comes to weight loss, it’s more about seeing your body thrive and you be able to actually ENJOY your life than dealing with health issues. I recently shared my story and what started my health journey and y’all want more info so here it goes… Rarely do you hear “DO’s” when you’re trying to maintain a…

  • Fitness,  Health

    Self Care Simplicity

    Heyyyyy ya’ll! I wanted to take the time to give you an update before I get to the meat and potatoes of this blog post. Since I gave birth to Vivi, I’ve been taking it easy and haven’t worked as much as normal. I’ve also had a lot of time to think about what content I’ve been producing and realized that I was focused on getting quantity content out verses quality. After simmering on this for a little while I’ve decided to stop trying to share so much on my blog so that it’s seen more and focus on quality posts that are shared 1-2 times a week. It’s hard…

  • Fitness,  Health,  Recipes

    #Winning In the New Year Thanks to Daily Harvest

    THIS POST IS IN PARTNER WITH DAILY HARVEST. ALL THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS ARE MY OWN. PLEASE VISIT MY DISCLAIMER PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION. I cannot believe the first week of January is coming to an end. I feel like this year has already started off with a bang and I am so excited and happy. I have shared that I am really focusing a lot on self care and one of the ways to practice self care is with the foods you eat. I will admit that sometimes I forget to eat or just grab a snack bar instead of sitting down and eating a meal. I’ve realized this isn’t…

  • Fashion,  Fitness,  Health

    My 2018 Gym Life in Collaboration with Fabletics

    Another week has come and gone and that means another week at the gym has as well. I started working out regularly when Derrek purchased gym memberships for the two of us a couple of months back. Derrek has worked out regularly for over ten years so I look to him for most of my guidance. At the end of 2017, I definitely took time off from the gym but I’ve picked back up where I left off! I can see how it becomes easy to slack off from working out regularly but I am a woman on a mission. Seven years ago, I was 60 pounds overweight and very unhappy.…

  • Fashion,  Fitness,  Health

    Healthy From the Inside Out

    Your quality of life is directly impacted by the foods you eat and the beauty products you use. Everyday, we have the choice to fuel our bodies with what will enlighten us and cause us to feel better inside and out or consume that which will drag us down and keep us in a state of muddled clarity. For so many people in this busy society, it can feel stressful and cause anxiety to figure out the “best” things for our bodies. I opened an email this morning with the tagline “rescue for problematic skin” and it has me thinking about how often we are bombarded with products to fix…