What I Eat In Day – Ideas For Healthy + Fresh Options

This post is in partner with Daily Harvest. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.
I’ll be honest I’ve been really intimidated to sit down and really write out a play-by-play of the foods that I eat. It’s one of the most frequent questions that I asked and every time I sit down at the computer end up freezing up and not writing the whole thing.
At this point in my life, I have decided to eliminate all fast foods, most processed foods, and focus on eating organic and fresh high-quality foods. My tastes do change often but I found I always lean into certain things over and over again. You can read more about my transition into a healthier lifestyle by clicking here.
For breakfast,
The first thing that I do in the mornings is chug a cup of fresh celery juice then a cup of water. THEN I eat something good for breakfast. I love cooking and eating scrambled eggs with a side of fruit, oatmeal that is sweetened with honey and topped with nuts and berries, breakfast burritos, avocado toast and smoothies. Some days I treat myself with a locally made salted bagel and sun-dried tomatoes smear from a local coffee shop and matcha latte with lavender honey syrup..
For lunch,
I like to eat something light. I do not like a heavy lunch because it always makes me want to take a nap which I cannot do because I do not have the time. Lunches here look like fresh chicken salad with cranberries and nuts, sandwiches with Applegate or Boarshead honey turkey, lettuce and guacamole, or tortilla chips, salsa and a chicken quesadilla with avocado.
If I don’t feel like cooking at home, I will just heat up a Daily Harvest meal really quickly. It does not take me that much time but it’s something that is SO good and healthy for you. They are delivered fresh to your door and all you do is heat it up. You can read more about Daily Harvest and my favorites by clicking here. During the week, I do pick a few days to have business meetings at lunch or just quickly go by my favorite local lunch spot with the best chicken bacon egg avocado salad.
For dinner,
we make family style meals every night. It’s a big deal for us to all sit down and eat together every single night. We love dinner time at our house and now that the older two can “help” with the cooking, it really is a family affair. We rotate between spaghetti, meatloaf, burgers and hotdogs, steaks, sautéed candied chicken, chicken and rice, pot roast, and always add fresh vegetables for the sides.
You didn’t think that I would leave sweets out, did you? I do have a bit of a sweet tooth so I like to grab dairy free ice cream’s and sherbet’s from the grocery store. But my favorite sweets of all time are dark chocolate and fresh fruit. I do love making my own trail mixes as well. I often cut up an apple and dip into honey + peanut butter. We also make a lot of organic baked goodies from FOODSTIRS baking kits.
My daily food tastes did not look like this until I really learned more about my body and it made me want to treat it better. Not only that, whenever I do eat those items that I referenced at the very beginning that I’ve cut out… It makes me physically sick. My body has grown accustomed to eating real foods so that when I add processed and fake things, it does not like it. I have talked with so many other people that say similar things when it comes to focusing on cleaning up their diet and lifestyle and then they cannot eat greasy, processed or fast foods because it hurts their stomaches.
What are your favorite healthy meal options? I would love to hear more about what you eat so I can try it as well. Comment below so we can share ideas!
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