• Health,  Home

    Why We Diffuse Essential Oils and Skip Candles

    Hey ya’ll! I am so excited to share another switch to safer that I’ve made in my household and I hope will inspire you to make in yours. When I was pregnant with my first child, Nolan, I kept getting debilitating headaches. I knew nothing about essential oils but when I reached out to a few crunchy mamas, they told me to inhale Peppermint oil and it would help. Ummmmm, WOW! It was a game changer and one that I used a lot during my pregnancy with Frankincense oil for headaches. NOTHING worked for my headaches but these oils and I’m so thankful that I was introduced to them for…

  • Fashion

    Gingham Spring Vibes

    I hope that ya’ll have had a great first week post Daylight Savings Time so far! Our schedule has definitely been a little off but guess what ya’ll…. F-I-N-A-L-L-Y SPRING HAS ARRIVED. Or, at least I hope. I need this to happen. Can we make the weather just stay warm? I just cannot wait to have beach days and enjoy sitting outside with the kids while they play. We are planning to head somewhere for Spring Break and I told Derrek that I don’t care where as long as it’s on a beach. Until then, I’ll soak it all in while wearing as many spring dresses as possible. My friend,…

  • Giveaways,  Health

    Healthy Human

    This post is in partner with Healthy Human. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Hey ya’ll! Happy Thursday! I don’t know about ya’ll but I am in need for a little “R and R” and this weather is helping me do so. It’s been SO nice outside that I have spent all the time that I can outside, even if it’s on my front steps just enjoying the breeze and a cup of coffee. I’ve used Healthy Human tumblers for quite some time and I’m so proud to say that I’ve eliminated all the plastic cups in our household. We just…

  • Health

    Stinkbug Deodorant

    This post has been compensated by Stinkbug Naturals. All opinions are my own, please read my disclaimer page for more information. When I transitioned to a non toxic lifestyle, finding a deodorant free of chemicals but controls BO has been challenging. After seven years, I can finally say that I found one that meets my standards. Stinkbug Naturals has been a lifesaver for my husband, Derrek, and myself. I have always been a “stinky” girl, to the point that I had prescribed antiperspirant when I was in college. I’ve bounced around from brand to brand and found that the most toxic deodorant would cover my smell. Parabens, which are preservatives used…

  • Health,  Recipes

    Beautiful Coffee in a Scoop

    THIS POST IS IN PARTNER WITH VITAL PROTEINS. ALL THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS ARE MY OWN. PLEASE READ MY DISCLAIMER PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Happy Friday ya’ll! I don’t know about you but I have been counting down until the weekend. This month has been SO STRESSFUL (I promise, I’ll share more soon) and I live for weekends just doing nothing with the fam. I’m excited about lounging in my robe, drinking coffee and just hanging out with the kids and Derrek at home. My home is my sanctuary and I surely do plan on enjoying it to the fullest. The kitchen always makes me the happiest because I love concocting…