Third Trimester Bumpdate
dress | earrings | necklaces | kimono | shoes – last season (shop similar) How on Earth did time fly so quickly during this pregnancy? It blows my mind and makes me so sad. I know that this will be my last pregnancy and I am trying to soak it all in, even the parts that aren’t my fav. Energy has def lacked this go around and because of this, I rely on a daily nap to keep my sanity. If it wasn’t for a variety of supplements and the help of a babysitter and my husband, I seriously doubt I would have survived thus far. Working from home…
Switching to Safer
| my dress | Happy Tuesday friends! Today, is all about deciding to make healthy swaps for the toxic products we currently use. I know that this can be overwhelming. It was for me when I started 6 years ago… the important part is that I started. I didn’t do it all in one month. I didn’t spend thousands and switch out everything at once. I picked a lane and chose to do better in one area at a time. Now, I had no guidance when I chose to do better and I actually made a lot of bad choices. I switched out my personal care products first and just…
Avocado Cookies FTW
Ya’ll, we’ve got a little obsession… okay, okay… a BIG obsession and it’s these amazing cookies. I swear I can’t make them fast enough before they all disappear. The kids ask me every day if we can make cookies and at this point in my pregnancy, I happily oblige. Not only are they flipping delicious but super easy to make. You just throw everything in the blender and press a button. BOOM! #momwin I also celebrate the small victories and these babies are definitely on that list. Let me just take a moment to explain another #momwin… they are HEALTHY! Say what? Yeah, ya’ll… they are made with avocados…
The Start of Something New
top | joggers | shoes | sunnies This pregnancy has really brought out a wide range of emotions for me. I feel like moments can make a difference in how I’m feeling… it’s absolutely crazy to feel like you’re constantly on an emotional roller coaster. I am so thankful for so many of you being understanding (and not judging) during all of this and offering helpful tips to reel it all in. Being able to share what I am going through and having other moms relate MEANS THE WORLD and I just can’t thank ya’ll enough. Sometimes mom life feels lonely and having other women speak to you and lift…
Spots and Stripes and Sunscreen!
my dress | jacket – sold out | shoes | SR romper | SR shoes With the weather warming up, it’s really important to talk about sun care and how to protect your body when you decide to venture outdoors. I didn’t realize the long term damage that I was doing to my own body over almost two decades of “bronzing” in the sun. Growing up, I spent 90% of my time outside and putting on sunscreen was the fartherest thing from the top of my priorities. Now that I am almost 30, (whoa how did that happen?) I can see the damage that I’ve caused. Extremely dry skin, sun…