• Recipes

    What are macros? How I learned about them through Faster Way

    This post is in partner with Faster Way to Fat Loss. If you click through a link on this post and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Since starting my journey with Faster Way, I am often asked: What exactly IS a macro? Macros are much more than just a popular buzzword right now. Macros are a foundation for a healthy lifestyle and they’ll help you hit your goals faster and more effectively. Macronutrients (or macros for short) are the molecules our bodies need to grow…

  • Health,  Recipes

    How to shop for produce at the grocery store

    Would anyone like help shopping healthy at the grocery store? I remember when I first decided to eat better and was walking the aisles of the grocery store. My mind was spinning, I was so confused, and I couldn’t even make choices to put in my cart. I was seriously considering backing out of this health change. Thankfully, I bucked up and made it through… but not without lots and lots of mistakes. Those mistakes helped me learn and gain confidence in my diet. Over time, I’ve learned so much about foods and what they really do in our bodies. While I do always recommend shopping organic, I know that…

  • Health,  Recipes

    7 Tips to Healthier Eating After the Holidays

    After the holidays, lots of people start a detox or a cleanse but I’ve got a secret for you… Changing the way you approach the food and drink you put into your body can do way more than a quick fix. Did you know that our bodies naturally detox every 24 hours? So what you do now will naturally detox you instead of a gimmicky week long diet.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Healthy food habits turn into a sustainable way for you to live healthier and are easier to maintain without “falling off the wagon.” Does this mean that my family and myself are on a raw diet? Not at all! Although I do love…

  • Fitness,  Health

    How I Eat Well During my Pregnancy

    This post is in partner with Faster Way to Fat Loss. If you click through a link on this post and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. When I started my journey to living healthier, food was the first place I started. Ten years ago, I was the fast food queen living on it for all my meals and probably more times during the day for “snacks.” One day, I just decided I wanted to change my life and lose the weight I had gained in…

  • Fashion

    Styling for Fall in the South

    I don’t now about where you live but in South Carolina, it doesn’t get cold until closer to December. Every year I find myself falling into the trap of wearing a sweater or boots thinking that it will be cold all day, only to have it warm up by lunch and I’m sweating to death and regretting that decision. This year I decided to play it smart by just wearing fall colors instead of full on fall gear. I also decided to consult with my friend, Leah, owner of Mosaic Boutique, in Florence, SC on her top tips for styling for fall in the South. Check out what she had…