• Health

    Adult Vitamins 101

    I don’t know how y’all feel but in our household, adulting is hard! We have so many things to focus on and accomplish every single day, it’s easy to put our health last. Unfortunately, when you do that, you tend to get sickly and with four kids running around that is just not an option for my husband and myself. A lot of the nutrients that your body needs can be found in the form of foods and I strongly urge you to take care of yourself with a well rounded diet. I also know how much of a focus that can be so, I’m sharing our favorite vitamins to…

  • Recipes,  Travel

    Our Love Affair with Bonefish Grill

    This post is in partner with Bonefish Grill. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. When we go on vacation, one of our favorite things to do is eat at places we don’t normally get too. We are very picky with our restaurant selections and let me tell ya, Bonefish Grill passes the test with flying colors. We recently dined there when we went on our Spring Break mini vacay to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Our entire family enjoyed our dinner and that’s always a winning meal in my book. At Bonefish Grill, there is something for everyone in the family which…

  • Gardening

    Look What Grew In Our Garden

    I know ya’ll love a garden update and I’m SO excited to share ours with you! As you know, I shared about our raised beds back on May 5th. You can read all about that by clicking here. We have had a raised bed garden for the past 6 years and it has been a huge blessing in our lives. I grew up having a huge garden at my Dad’s farm and to be able to have a similar experience with my own children is really meaningful to me. So far, everything is growing really well! We make sure that it’s watered every day (it’s actually Nolan’s job to do…

  • Travel

    Family Vacation to Myrtle Beach

    Hey ya’ll! Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are settling into a new week. Monday’s have become my favorite new day of the week and it’s because I get to focus my mind back on my blog and work. Ya’ll, it’s so much fun to share and connect with you! When we traveled to Myrtle Beach, SC for the kid’s Spring Break vacation earlier this year, I was flooded with questions. So many of you are interested in heading to Myrtle Beach and I can see why. The beaches are beautiful, places to stay are endless and there is tons of good food and entertainment.…

  • Health

    First Bump Date with Baby #5

    Well hello there, we meet again! I’m just sharing about what’s been going on so far with baby number five. It sounds so crazy to say that but our wild bunch is the perfect combo of personalities so I’ll take it 🙂 Derrek and I have always wanted a big fairly. We’ve also always known we wanted our babies close in age and so now we will have a 7, 5, 3, 1 year old and newborn. This will complete our tribe. Unless one day God has other plans for us. But, we’re pretty sure this is it. I am officially 17 weeks and to be honest, I was going…