Acne Struggles? Try this mask!
I have struggled with acne my entire life. Acne on my face, neck and chest is something that has always been an issue on my skin but I NEVER took the time to even ask why this could be. A few years ago, I decided to dig deeper and that’s when I associated a lot to my personal care products, my diet and then stress. Stress is the constant factor in my acne as of right now as I’ve worked on all of the other issues. I have had a lot of friends and family message me asking what to do about their “mask-ne”(acne as a result of wearing a…
How I Live With Psoriasis + What I Did To Heal My Skin
I am not a medical doctor. All things shared are my personal opinion and are what I’ve used in my life and seen results. I always encourage you to talk to your healthcare provider and research for yourself when it comes to medical advice. I don’t know if y’all know this or not but I suffer from an autoimmune disease called Psoriasis. I’ve had this for as far back as I can remember but it wasn’t until recently that I knew what I was dealing with. Psoriasis is described as a common issue that people can get from genetics, vaccine reactions or triggered by something in their environment and is…
Making Memories in the kitchen with Junk-Free Ingredients!
Once a week, I try to bake something in the kitchen with my kids. This is something that I’ve done since they were little and they absolutely love it. Derrek always loves any excuse to make brownies or cookies and we have made this into a family event! It is messier than if you were doing it by yourself, but it’s the memories that are really important to not that the kitchen is spotless. My children love to help out in the kitchen, and I think that baking your own sweet treat is a wonderful way to build their confidence and also to let them be involved in the making…
Why You Should Want My Favorite Ethically Sourced Lipstick
I would love to help you. If you want to read more about my journey with Beautycounter, my beauty routine and what you might want for your skin, click here. The world has vanilla in more of a demand than ever, requiring over 3,000 tons a year. I had no idea the ins and outs of the vanilla sourcing chain until Beautycounter recently relaunched their Sheer Genius lip sheers and Beyond Gloss lip glosses with ethically sourced vanilla. The process of growing and preparing vanilla is a long and hard process, taking the ethical and sustainable route makes it even harder. I love that Beautycounter is working harder to do…
We use Fluoride Free Toothpaste and here’s our favorite brand!
This post is in partner with RiseWell Co. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. One of my top health priorities for my kids is their dental health. I didn’t realize how quickly things can go south when it comes to dental health until a few years ago. My older kids have a few cavity issues due to being given hard candy when they visit places like church and school. We are working to actively fix this by taking the proper care of them and working with our local pediatric dentist. This is a topic that I’m learning more and more about…