Derrek’s Sweet Potato Hash

Happy Friday ya’ll! I cannot believe that another week has come and gone ANNDDDD the fact that January just went and disappeared on us is mind blowing. I am so excited that it’s time to share another recipe with ya’ll. Derrek and I have really stepped up our cooking game and we actually get competitive about what we are cooking when it’s our turn. There are nights that I like to go work out later at night and on those nights Derrek cooks so we can get the kids to sleep at their normal time. He has signature meals that he always pulls out to cook and this sweet potato hash is one of them. I will say that since we got our instant pot, he tells me to “send him a recipe” and he goes to town making it.
This is legit an EASY recipe to make (aka… something to give your husband confidence in his cooking or yourself if you don’t feel like you’re a “great” cook.) It’s also kid approved. Well, everyone here loves it just like he makes it BUT Harper. She doesn’t like bell peppers so he makes her a separate plate without any peppers #spoiled.
-1 pound of ground beef or turkey
-2 sweet potatoes for each person eating
-3 bell peppers
-1 onion
-avocado oil
-himalayan pink salt
-minced garlic
1. prep your veggies (cut bell peppers into small pieces, peel sweet potatoes and then use a spiralizer to cut them, dice onion)
2. take 1 tablespoon of avocado oil and add to pan and heat over medium heat (Derrek makes his in two pans but you can use one if your little one likes bell peppers)
3. take meat and brown like you would for spaghetti
4. take sweet potatoes and add to pan with avocado oil over medium heat
5. once meat is browned, drain and sit to side. In same pan add onions, garlic, and veggies.
6. cook sweet potatoes and veggies until fork tender. Season with salt and pepper.
7. combine meat and all veggies and serve.