
  • Fitness,  Health,  Recipes

    #Winning In the New Year Thanks to Daily Harvest

    THIS POST IS IN PARTNER WITH DAILY HARVEST. ALL THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS ARE MY OWN. PLEASE VISIT MY DISCLAIMER PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION. I cannot believe the first week of January is coming to an end. I feel like this year has already started off with a bang and I am so excited and happy. I have shared that I am really focusing a lot on self care and one of the ways to practice self care is with the foods you eat. I will admit that sometimes I forget to eat or just grab a snack bar instead of sitting down and eating a meal. I’ve realized this isn’t…

  • Recipes

    My Goulash Recipe

    Happy Humpday ya’ll! I don’t know about you but I am SO excited that this week is almost over. We are really busy this upcoming weekend with holiday parties but it makes my heart so happy because it’s so much fun! I don’t know about ya’ll but this time of year has me craving warm and cozy meals. In my mind that means soups and pastas and this goulash is on a weekly rotation in my household. The other day, I read a meme on facebook that said don’t post a life story in a blog post with a recipe, just gimme the recipe so here it is! INGREDIENTS: -2…

  • Health,  Recipes

    Go Go Green Juice – Celery FTW

    A little over a month ago, I started implementing a new thing into my routine. I follow a lady on instagram who raved for months about the amazing benefits you get from drinking celery juice. Apparently, I was sleeping under a rock because I had never heard of this before! I became super curious and excited to find a reason to break out my juicer again. I actually threw away my old juicer when we moved back in March because a piece was broken during our move. When I had it before the kids and I would always make random juice concoctions with oranges, carrots and cucumbers… I always steered…

  • Health,  Recipes

    Helpful Foodie Love Via Hello Fresh

    This post is sponsored by Hello Fresh. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. It’s the final countdown! We move Monday and seriously could not be more excited! We’ve had so many set backs with this entire process Derrek and I still can’t believe it’s actually happening but thank goodness for answered prayers! I’ll be sure to share more details soon but let me share something that is a complete lifesaver right now, our Hello Fresh delivery service! Every week we receive a shipment of three Hello Fresh meals in the mail. I cannot tell you how awesome it is to get…

  • Recipes

    Fall Recipes: Butternut Squash Risotto

    I know I cannot get over how quickly October has blown by!It really makes me upset that I didn’t take the kids to more fall activities but I guess there is always next year. But, I am excited to share that fall recipes are officially arriving in my house and I can’t get enough. The cooler temps keeps me looking for easy soups, chilis and recipes involving my root veggies. The other day, I combined risotto and butternut squash and created the most delicious recipe to enjoy on a breezy fall afternoon. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I have. The kids love it too (minus the…