
  • Health

    Energy Boosting the Natural Way

    One of my biggest issues after child birth is keeping a consistent flow of energy. I don’t know if it’s the feedings every two hours, running around like a mad woman trying to do all the things or W H A T but I’m all about finding solutions. Let me just start off by saying, I have researched different things and I just sharing my experiences and my findings. I always suggest you doing your own research, especially if you feel like what I share is lacking the information you need to make a decision. If you have low energy, chronic fatigue, allergies, or a condition that leaves you feeling…

  • Fashion,  Health

    Boss Babe

    This is a post that’s very near and dear to my heart and I am excited to share it with you today! I try to practice gratitude in my day-to-day life and something I don’t feel like I talk about enough is how GRATEFUL I am to work for Beautycounter. You guys, I can’t POSSIBLY put into words how thankful I am for this company, our leaders, and the products we offer. Working for Beautycounter has changed. my. life. As a mother of 5 very small children, I can only tell you that the thought of making money while working from my iPhone out of my “mom car” seemed like…

  • Health

    How I Make Life Easier – My Current Top Five Home Deliveries

    Little Southern Life uses affiliate links and may get a commission if you make a purchase by clicking though one of the links below. Using affiliate links is at no additional cost to you. I try to lighten my load in whatever areas I can. One of the things that has really helped make a difference in my life is delegating some of my shopping through online channels. It’s BEYOND helpful not to have to spend the small amount of time I have alone in a store when I could be working and not having to truck all the kids into the store with me. Online shopping has changed my…

  • Health

    Health Journey – the “NO” list

    This really is a lifestyle change, not just a temporary diet. I have worked really hard to change my thinking when it comes to health, and that is the hardest part of remaining healthy. For the first part of the blog series, I have compiled a “no” list. These are things I suggest you cut out of your life so you can change for the better. It would be a great idea to print this out and keep it with you until it becomes a part of your daily thought process. 1. Do NOT drink sodas.The reason why sodas are bad is because they are sweetened with artificial sweeteners like…

  • Health

    Why I Decided to Use CBD Oil

    This post is sponsored by Life Leaf Medical CBD. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.If you follow natural minded practitioners or nutritionists, you’ve probably heard about CBD (Cannabidiol) oil. A few years ago this was not the case as this has quickly become a health trend, and it’s one that I stand behind. If you’ve been curious about it, you’re in the right place! I’m going to break down what all the hype is about. I know that the use of medical marijuana is a controversial topic but I am hoping that doesn’t deter you from learning more about CBD. CBD…