Spring Cleaning: What Nontoxic Brands Pass the Test

Disclaimer: I am not a Norwex consultant. I suggest connecting with someone in your area to place an order and answer questions if you’re interested in purchasing. I am sharing about my experience cleaning with them in my home.
The road to non toxic living is different for everyone. Mine started when I became pregnant and I am sure when you look at your moment of change it was different and so was the avenue you started with. The point is that it does not matter where or when you start, just the fact that you START! Every conversation that I have with you all, it makes me so excited and happy for you to change out something because it should be celebrated. You are doing the best thing that you can do for your health! Be super excited for these changes and be happy to embrace them one step at the time.
One of the steps that I took early on to switch over to safe was what we clean our houses with. I was disturbed to find that most common household cleaning products that people use every single day are filled with toxic chemicals. The statistics show that spending decades inhaling these cleaners leads to major problems with approximately 24% of all human diseases being linked to environmental factors. I highly suggest looking up all your cosmetic and personal care items at Environmental Working Groups to see what is hiding in your products! Around the same time, a friend introduced me to this amazing company called Norwex.
Norwex was founded by a group of scientists and doctors on a mission to improve the quality of our lives by reducing chemicals in our homes. Norwex microfiber cloths can clean your entire house just by being wet with water! Another thing that I found out about Norwex is that each microfiber cloth has silver bonded into it (silver smoothers and kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria). This means that you do not have to continuously buy cleaning products! Talk about a win-win situation, am I right? We use their products and rest at ease knowing that we are limiting the amount of harmful chemicals in our household and around our children. I often get asked about what products to start with when investing in Norwex and I am including them below.
ENVIROCLOTH: The microfiber cloths are infused with silver which smothers and kills 99.9% off all germs and bacteria. When used dry, the cloth lifts and collects particles of dirt, grease, and moisture by producing an electrostatic charge. These come in four colors and can be used to clean anything. We have several of these, and I have given away countless cloths and hear comments of how much people love them. We use them to wipe down the cabinets, counters, sink, stove, and fridge in our kitchen! I can grab one if we spill a drink because they are extra absorbent, can hold several times their weight in liquid, and they do not leave a sticky mess on the floor. I can wipe down the tub and scrub crayon off of my walls with one. When I finish using mine, I just rinse it in warm water and rub it together then wring out and hang to dry. The silver is bonded in the cloth, so it will never quit working! This cloth can save you countless dollars throughout the year. Say goodbye to Clorox wipes, paper towels, 409 and Pledge!
WINDOW CLOTH: This cloth works hand in hand with the envirocloth! Simply wipe windows, mirrors, crystal, jewelry and shiny surfaces with a damp envirocloth and then polish sparkling clean with the window cloth. This microfiber cloth completely cut out my need for Windex. Also a little trick is that I use this cloth to clean my sunglasses – it works way better than the cloths that come in the case with them. Silver lining, super easy to use so my kiddos can help with our daily cleaning routine.
MOP SYSTEM: I cannot tell y’all enough how much I LOVE my Norwex dry and wet mop pads! We have mostly hardwood and tile floors, so I was sweeping pretty much every day before I bought the mop system. Now I dry mop biweekly to catch the dust mites, dog hair and mess from three kids and a hubby. The dry mop pad is electromagnetically charged and picks up the tiniest of particles versus a regular broom that just pushes everything around. I also use the dry mop pad to clean the air returns in our house; it is super easy to get all of that dust that collects cleaned out! I bought the Norwex rubber brush to clean out the mop pad after I finish cleaning the floors. I just step outside and rub the brush downward and all the debris comes out. The wet mop pad is what we use to mop and sanitize our floors. It is microfiber and once it is wet with water, it kills 99.9% of all germs and bacteria. I can mop my entire house in less than 10 minutes and without using toxic chemicals. When you have children running around and dropping food on the floor, they will pick it up and eat it even after the 5- second rule, so making sure I steer clear from chemicals is a huge deal for our family.
These are my must haves from Norwex and what can clean 99% of your house. When switching to safer clean products, I have found these are most effective and best price point for your investment. I have the same ones that I purchased 7 years ago and they look and clean like brand new. I would love to hear your thoughts on Norwex. Have you ever tried it? If you are into green cleaning and already use products that you use and are high performing in your household, please share!

One Comment
Kristen Bishop
It makes me SO happy to see people using Norwex. I am a consultant and my family has been using Norwex for 8 years. Goodbye cleaning chemicals!! I started the toxic free journey when my husband and I experienced infertility. It’s been a long road, but Norwex has made a difference in our lives! I love that my kiddos can clean with me and there are NO cleaning chemicals in our home. No worries of kids getting into chemicals or chemicals getting onto their skin. Cleaning with chemicals is compared to smoking 20 packs a day!!
If anyone needs help, I’d be happy to chat!