• Fashion

    Coziest Sweater from – You’ll NEVER Guess Where!

    sweater | moto leggings | heels  Ya’ll! Winter is here and it is NOT playing around! It went from breezy fall to freezing cold REALLY quick. There is nothing left to do but embrace it and that for me is chunky sweaters. Fashion this time of year really makes me happy because of the different textures we can play with. The fringe on my sweater, the zippers on my pants and the suede on my heels are all my favs wrapped up in a pretty bow. As a mom I want to look fashionable without breaking the bank. Kids get expensive. I just don’t have the luxury of having expensive…

  • Health

    Living My Best Life

          sweater (sold out) | bralette | jeans | mules  Many of you know my health story but many of you do not. Many moons ago (when I was in college) I was at my most unhealthy. I was focused on partying.. HARD, pretty much every night. That was my everything and I really dove into that lifestyle. I would spend my days eating fast food, getting ready for a big night out, pregaming in my apartment and smoking cigs and drinking hard liquor until the wee hours of the morning. Then I would hit up the drive through one last time before I went home and passed…

  • Fashion

    Imma Little Rusty

    sunnies* | top | cape – sold out (similar) | pants | boots Ok ya’ll… this blog is gonna be REALLY REALLY REALLY real. I keep getting questions about how I have lost my weight after having a baby so you’re about to find out! This is a topic that I am super passionate about because I have seen so many women post party (including myself) try and snap back to their pre baby body and it’s SO unhealthy. Physically and mentally! You just grew and birthed a human being, give yourself some grace. You won’t bounce back overnight… or even a few months so don’t get discouraged when you…

  • Health,  Lifestyle

    Breastfeeding FAQs

    When I take a second to reflect on my breastfeeding journey, it’s hard for me to believe I’ve basically breastfed for the past six years. My four children and I have been lucky enough to learn each other through nursing. I can say that I have had the lowest of lows and highest of highs during my breastfeeding time but I wouldn’t change it for the world. What I am sharing with you are my thoughts, feelings and tips to make your time breast-feeding as easy as possible. The best piece of advice I could give to you is don’t go into it blindly. Don’t just show up at the…

  • Fashion

    Post Partum Style Ideas

    dress | shoes Another day has come and gone… I can’t believe it’s already August! I feel like I’m going to blink and it will be December! I’m already 3 weeks post partum and I am feeling a little more like myself everyday. Y’all have asked a lot of questions about what I like to wear post partum so I’m sharing as I can. I honestly don’t get out of pjs through out the week because I’m at home 90% of the time. But on the days that I have errands or things to do, I do love putting in the effort to be put together! I am not a…