• Recipes

    Vegan Reese’s Cups

    oooohhh ya’ll! If you don’t know much about me, let me share it now. I have a sweet tooth like none other. I would say the hardest thing about going dairy and egg free is trying to appease my sweet tooth and not falling off the wagon. HARD is an understatement. I can say that thanks to Pinterest, I have gotten really inspired and I’m excited to try new things. I shared this sweet treat last week on my instastories and everyone said they wanted the recipe. That makes me happy because we can learn about this together. I am from the Deep South where all recipes require a heap…

  • Recipes

    Derrek’s Sweet Potato Hash

    Happy Friday ya’ll! I cannot believe that another week has come and gone ANNDDDD the fact that January just went and disappeared on us is mind blowing. I am so excited that it’s time to share another recipe with ya’ll. Derrek and I have really stepped up our cooking game and we actually get competitive about what we are cooking when it’s our turn. There are nights that I like to go work out later at night and on those nights Derrek cooks so we can get the kids to sleep at their normal time. He has signature meals that he always pulls out to cook and this sweet potato…

  • Recipes

    My Goulash Recipe

    Happy Humpday ya’ll! I don’t know about you but I am SO excited that this week is almost over. We are really busy this upcoming weekend with holiday parties but it makes my heart so happy because it’s so much fun! I don’t know about ya’ll but this time of year has me craving warm and cozy meals. In my mind that means soups and pastas and this goulash is on a weekly rotation in my household. The other day, I read a meme on facebook that said don’t post a life story in a blog post with a recipe, just gimme the recipe so here it is! INGREDIENTS: -2…

  • Recipes

    Fall Recipes: Butternut Squash Risotto

    I know I cannot get over how quickly October has blown by!It really makes me upset that I didn’t take the kids to more fall activities but I guess there is always next year. But, I am excited to share that fall recipes are officially arriving in my house and I can’t get enough. The cooler temps keeps me looking for easy soups, chilis and recipes involving my root veggies. The other day, I combined risotto and butternut squash and created the most delicious recipe to enjoy on a breezy fall afternoon. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I have. The kids love it too (minus the…

  • Recipes

    Hello Fall- Pumpkin Bread Recipe

    Goodness gracious, this recipe has me craving fall weather! I can’t believe that September is almost here… it’s got us wanting all things fall so, I decided to start breaking out all things pumpkin. I haven’t decorated yet because we do have to move into a new house in the next few weeks BUT cooking with pumpkin and cinnamon have been an every day thing. The kids and I spent Sunday meal prepping for the week. We always include them in the kitchen because they love to help cook. It’s sometning fun we can all do together and I swear it makes them more excited about eating whatever it is…