• Health,  Kids

    Cloth Diapering 101

    When I was pregnant, I had researched what chemicals were in most diapers I decided to use nontoxic. Most disposable diapers contain chemicals like chlorine, perfumes or polyacrylate (a chemical that is specifically used to absorb) that causes more harm than good. These specific chemicals in disposable diapers can strip away protective bacteria on the skin and change the pH balance of your infant, which can cause dryness and skin irritations. In some cases, the exposure to the chemicals in the diapers have caused very severe reactions like fever, vomiting and staph infections. I have personally found that my children are very reactive to the chemicals in disposable diapers and…

  • Fashion,  Health,  Makeup

    We Deserve Better, Home Glow Up!

    I don’t know about how y’all feel but the stress of the outside world right now is not something I can handle. Everything is really dramatic and.intense and I’m glad to be in a little bubble at home. I know that we are very lucky to both be able to work from home but the whole five kids at home and having to homeschool our oldest two is a pretty interesting combination right now and we are just trying to figure out a groove. One of the things that I am so very thankful for during this time is the ability to work on things that I’ve been wanting to…