• Health,  Recipes

    Matcha Love For My New Favorite Latte

    This post is in partner with Vital Proteins. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Since I learned that I was pregnant with baby number four, coffee hasn’t seemed quite as appealing to me. It makes me very jittery and I feel like that makes it counteractive for me personally. I have started looking into other alternatives because lets face it, as a mom of three and one on the way, I need all the energy I can get! I saw that Vital Proteins had a Matcha Collagen and I had to try it. I am so thankful that I did because…

  • Recipes

    GAMEDAY Dip with Vital Proteins

    This post is in partner with Vital Proteins. All thoughts and my opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information. It’s officially the funnest Sunday Funday of the year! THE BIG GAME is always really fun – not because I necessarily even know what teams are playing, haha. I enjoy it for the halftime show (Hey J.T.) and the food! Dips and apps are some of my favorite things to indulge in and today is the day my wildest food dreams come true. It makes it even better that I am pregnant and finally able to enjoy food again. We are choosing not going to a…

  • Health

    Lets talk about Collagen

    Lets talk collagen. If you’re curious about the newest trend in health that is suddenly everywhere, let’s familiarize you so you’re ready to dive in as well! Collagen is the most abundant protein and second largest substance (behind water) that is found in the human body. Until our twenties, our body naturally produces collagen. As this production slows and eventually ceases, we begin to see the signs of aging. Ahhhhh, why must this happen? I already feel like an old hen after having three kids. Now that I am getting older and my skin is showing age, the Vital Proteins collagen products have become every day essentials to my life!…

  • Recipes

    Collagen Pumpkin Pie Protein Bites

    I received these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Read my disclaimer page for more information. After becoming a Mom, I’ve been on a constant quest for ENERGY! I don’t know of a mom that is 100% fulfilled in that department. Between children waking up at night, running around after them all day and trying to accomplish housework, cooking meals and working, I am flat out exhausted at the end of the day. I am also realizing that I’m not a high school senior anymore and taking care of my body is my top priority. I cannot take care of my families needs unless mine are met.…