Pregnancy/Birth/Postpartum FAQs

Ya’ll! I am blown away! This pregnancy is flying by and every time I share that I am ___ weeks pregnant it just has me all in disbelief. I never expected ten years ago that I would be well into my fifth pregnancy. I seriously never even thought about my life as a “mom” and now that is all I think about. I love the chapter of life that changed me as a woman forever and I cannot believe that my oldest is seven years old. That means that I’ve basically been pregnant for the last 8 years since I’ve had them all so close in age. Derrek and I decided very early on that we wanted our children to be close in age (we don’t want to wait 6 years in between kids) and then we never said we wanted a certain number of children. We have just gone with what felt right for us and our family and are so unbelievably blessed and thankful with the 4.5 kids God has given us.
This pregnancy has really been a breeze. If you have followed me for any time whatsoever you’ll know that I normally suffer through my pregnancies with long term headaches but luckily I haven’t had a horrible one that I couldn’t shake (only once or twice) during the entire time I’ve been pregnant this go around. I try to work out 4-5 times a week (just being honest, ya’ll) and walk every day. Now that the weather is cooling off a little, this has become more easy to do again. I’ve also tried to eat as healthy as possible but sometimes I do give into my cravings. I just don’t make it a daily thing.
Q: What are your favorite lactation cookies/baked goodies?
A: In the past I have found that good tasting ones have been really hard to find. The only brand that I really do love is Oat Mama. Their bars are heavenly and like an actual dessert. They really do taste delicious and help you make more milk. Other than that, I love locally made lactation cookies from a vegan cook here in Florence.
Q: Who delivers at your home birth?
A: I’ve only had a midwife at two of my births. The first time was when I delivered Scarlet Reese at the Charleston Birth Place (you can read her birth story by clicking here) that was a rotating midwife at the Birth Place. The second time was with my home birth with Mercy. My midwife is amazing and she will hopefully make it in time to be here with us during my birth with this babe. You can read Mercy’s birth story by clicking here.
Q: What was your favorite birth so far?
A: That is a hard question to answer. I think they are all my favorite because I brought a new baby into the world. When I think of easiest I think of Scarlet Reese’s birth.
Q: What baby products are a waste of money?
A: a 4Moms Mamaroo (none of our babies would rest peacefully in it), Boppy pillow (you can use regular pillows to prop up with), a pack n’play (we never used unless on the beach), the little cushion covers for car seat straps (they don’t allow the straps to be placed where they need to be), a changing table (you can legit just use your couch just lay a blanket down), a diaper pail (you can use your trash can), baby bottles (you don’t need a million of these, we only use a handful when we do use them), fancy outfits (when a baby is newborn you really just want comfy, easy to open outfits).
Q: What is the supplement that you started taking to help with energy during your pregnancy?
A: It’s the Premama Wellness 28 Day Energy Boost. It’s pregnancy and nursing safe. I also take b12. I love this spray from Dr. Mercola.
Q: Did you take collodial silver during your pregnancies?
A: Yes, I always have! Anytime I need an immune boost, I take silver. I also love it to heal cuts, help with acne, clear ear infections and treat pink eye.
Q: What kind of prenatal vitamins do you take?
A: I’ve tried several and I do not love the sourcing. I recently found PreMama Wellness and I’ve been giving them a try.
Q: How do you handle your milk supply once your baby starts sleeping through the night?
A: I did this gradually and honestly, most of my babies nursed through the night until they are two. So, this is new territory for me since I am pregnant and still nursing Mercy. She is the only baby out of the four that has taken a pacifier so she takes that at night and when she wakes up she nurses. Your milk is most bountiful in the mornings so get up and pump first thing. If you can wake up before baby that’s even better. Pump about 30 minutes before you nurse. Your milk will replenish when it’s time to feed baby. It’s amazing how our bodies just know how to do that.
Q: I would love to hear the best ways that you’ve found to prepare physically and mentally for an unmedicated birth?
A: My best advice is to not listen to anyone else and focus on what you want. Do your own research, read books, watch documentaries, follow social media accounts that share information about unmedicated births. Just inform yourself. Immerse yourself and ENJOY what choices you are making even though they might be very different than everyone else. My views are very different than my family’s so I just took everything they said/say with a grain of salt and just move forward because I know what is best for my body and my baby.
Q: What does the pain of a natural birth feel like?
A: It’s intense and honestly you forget those last few moments. I have had food poisoning before and that is WAY worse. It’s like super intense period cramping that happens for a while, haha. IDK I wish I had a better answer.
Q: What is your preferred choice of nipple cream for sore breasts after feedings?
A: I’ve used several but I love coconut oil or the Beautycounter baby balm best.
Q: Did you get your placenta encapsulated?
A: I have gotten my placenta encapsulated every time I’ve had a baby (other than Nolan because I just didn’t know). It has been SO helpful in my recovery – mentally and physically. You can read more about it here.
Q: I want to breastfeed but I have so many questions. Help!
A: Breastfeeding is wonderful but its a new world. That’s the way I describe it. You have to take the time to learn about it, don’t just try and do it. You’ll feel overwhelmed and have so many questions and that’s when most people quit. I loved reading books about it, I met with a lactation consultant, I picked my friend’s brains who did it and I also asked my sister who is a labor and delivery nurse a million questions. ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS. Don’t feel like any are to silly. Let people help you and don’t fall into the supplement trap. (google it, it’s a thing)
Q: How many kids do you want to have?
A: I honestly don’t know. I wish I could have a million but ya know, that’s not possible. We love children and feel like this is a huge blessing that we are able to have. As of now, we are going to be happy with the babies that we have and if God calls us to have more then we will have that discussion.
Q: I am trying to conceive and I am getting frustrated. Do you have any ideas on how to keep calm and not stress?
A: I would honestly take action steps on things that I can control and keep my focus away from things that I cannot. I would focus on being healthy mentally, spiritually and physically. Take the time to look at your toxic load and what you can do to reduce it and also find yourself a chiropractor that can give you adjustments which will help with fertility.
Q: What do you plan on doing after baby to not get pregnant?
A: WELLLLLLLLL, I am so glad you asked. HA. Derrek is going to get a vasectomy but hasn’t scheduled it yet. So we will see about that. I will start wearing my Ava bracelet again and tracking my cycle.
Q: Any tips for postpartum depression/anxiety/etc?
A: I would talk to some one FOR SURE. Even if it’s one mom friend or going to a therapist. Talking is important. Don’t try to deal with it alone. I strongly urge you to have your placenta encapsulated because that will help and then also taking CBD oil. Both of those two supplements helped me SO much.
Q: What are your favorite outfits for postpartum?
A: I actually have a blog post coming with all of my favorites and what I am using postpartum very soon. If you don’t feel like waiting then go search my blog for “postpartum” and you’ll find what I used in the past.
Q: What are your tips for postpartum?
A: TAKE IT EASY! and read this blog!