411 on Bluelight
Have you ever heard of blue light? I am going to assume no because until recently I had no idea what it was myself! Blue light comes from the sun, as well as LED lights and digital device screens. People today are exposed to more blue light than ever. Blue light suppresses our body’s release of melatonin, which helps regulate our sleep cycles. More of it during the day helps us to stay awake, and less of it at night makes us sleep better. The problem is that with digital screens at work, home and school, there are more sources of blue light than ever. Most American’s daily screen time…
“Treat Yourself” With Noémie
This post is in partner with Noemie. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. It’s not often that I get the chance to “treat myself” but when I do, it’s MUCH appreciated. Most times, I put myself at the bottom of the family totem pole and it’s nice to do something for me every once in a while. This year, I decided that I wanted to step up my jewelry game and start wearing more luxury pieces that I will eventually be able to pass down to my girls. I’ve never really been a jewelry lover but I’ve recently fallen in love…
5 Easy Steps to a Green Beauty Morning Routine
Alright ya’ll, I’m comin’ at ‘cha hot with my morning look. I don’t share this often, unless you count IG stories. But it’s all for good reason (I hope.) One of the things that I’ve gotten into the habit of since hitting my 30s is a good morning routine. Before I had kids, I’ll just be real… I was lucky to wash my face once every few days. Now, I am loving every minute of my *quick* routine because it really has changed my skin and my health. The path that led me to a healthier lifestyle started when I was pregnant with Nolan and trying to find a acne…
Back to School: Lunch Prep
BACK TO SCHOOL IS HERE! Some of us have already started but some of us are not starting until next week. Either way, it’s here and I don’t know about you but I am super excited and so are my littles. Our children are attending a new school here and every day they ask if today is “the” day they go to their new school. I don’t buy my children new backpacks every year, I’ve found that a high quality one will last them a few years. They do get a new lunchbox every year. I read this article last year about how dirty lunchboxes get and of course after…
Maxi Dresses: The Easy Way to Look Put Together
This post is in partner with Pink Blush Maternity. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Happy Hump day ya’ll! I don’t know how the weather is where you are but here in SC it is sweltering hot! It normally doesn’t start cooling down here until October or November. This leads me into explaining that I will not be posting much fall/winter styles until that actually happens. I have seen so many bloggers and influencers posting with scarves and over the knee boots and ya’ll, I just cannot do it. Let me introduce you to my BFF and has been for years:…