Our Easter Outfits
my top (similar) | skirt | shoes | necklace
Derrek’s top | pants | shoes
Nolan’s top | pants | shoes
Harper’s dress | shoes
Scarlet Reese’s dress | shoes
Another Easter has come and gone but with each passing year, it brings more meaning. Growing up, I always had a Easter basket from the Easter bunny but my family wasn’t really involved in church. I never grew up KNOWING the true meaning of Easter other than bits and pieces picked up from others. After spending time in my bible, the real meaning of Easter is one that makes my heart full. Life can get overwhelming, especially thanks to Social media where comparison can steal your joy. In the past, I thought I wasn’t good enough for His love and never would be. Now that I have kids and a loving husband, it’s more apparent than ever how much He loves me. I know I say this a lot but I want y’all to understand it so I am repeating myself. Just because you don’t have it all, doesn’t mean you can’t be your best self. Your journey is completely different than someone else’s and where they are in life doesn’t have any reflection of where you are in life. If you got everything you wanted all at once, there wouldn’t be a point of living. Enjoy the ride. Know that by staying true to YOU, you are bringing your dreams into the light. I wish I could give every single one of you a hug and tell you exactly how precious you are! I hope that you have a great day, enjoy the outdoors and let the sunshine hit your face. You are loved, all you have to do is see it.