Is Your Hair Falling Out? Let’s Talk
Y’all! The struggle is real over here. I am officially 5 months postpartum and my hair is falling out by what feels like handfuls. Ugh, it’s the worst… BUT luckily I’ve found a few helpful tricks and tips that help it regrow more quickly.

- collagen – this is something that I started using after I had Harper and my hair was falling out so badly. It was as simple as going on Pinterest and typing in “tips for hair loss” and I came across collagen. This is a wonderful supplement to have in your life for many reasons and you can read about them by clicking here. It is known for hair grow properties and so that’s why I’ve used it for YEARS now. Just by adding a scoop (sometimes two) into my coffee and/or cup of water I get what my body is lacking and it helps promote regrowth.
- essential oils – y’all know that I’m an oily girl. I use them daily and have for many years now. It’s something I never thought about until I added them into my life. I found that these oils: rosemary, lavender and cedar wood have helpful hair regrowth benefits and since I started using them, I have seen results. I take each bottle and add in 5-8 drops into my shampoo then shake up to mix. When in the shower, shampoo as normal but make sure to massage your scalp and let sit for 5-10 minutes before you wash out.
- castor oil – this is something I steered clear from for quite sometime but I have started using it on my scalp and eyelashes. WOW! The growth is amazing y’all. You can find it on Amazon or any major grocery store. You just massage on scalp or apply to eyelashes with a clean mascara brush and let it sit over night.
- prenatal vitamins – I never realized how multipurposeful prenatal vitamins could be. They are beneficial even when you’re not pregnant, why? Because it can give you vitamins that your body is depleted of AND it can help aid hair regrowth. Talk about multitasking for the win! I personally love the Ritual brand of prenatals and PreMamaWellness brand is a close second.
- stop washing your hair every day – Yeah, I said it! When you wash your hair to much it can lead to breakage. So, washing your hair less frequently because it tends to be more fragile is smart and so would including a moisturizing shampoo.
If you’re experiencing hair loss for any reason, check these suggestions out and let me know if they make any positive change in your regrowth. I know how hard it can be to go through major hair loss and I just want you to know that you are not alone and we can work through this together. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share!